Digital Government

What CIO Vacancies Mean For Modernizing Government

A Congressman leading the tech upgrade movement says Congress should just treat acting CIOs like permanent ones.


How the FITARA Scorecard Could Impact the Future of Software Licensing

Agencies can still make moves to improve their December grades if they take these steps.

Digital Government

Trump Aide Says Modernizing Federal IT is Administration’s Cold War Moment

Will the government's technology challenges galvanize decision-makers as the Cold War once did?

Digital Government

Survey: Most CIOs Say a Majority of Their Applications Are Out of Date

About 72 percent of federal chief information officers said the majority of applications in their agencies are legacy systems, a new survey finds.

Digital Government

Rep. Hurd’s Solution For Tech Talent Shortage: 10 Day Tours of Duty

The Cyber National Guard could provide a constant stream of short-term talent, the lawmaker says.


The Air Force Will Dole Out $1 Billion for Cloud Migration

Dell EMC, General Dynamics and Microsoft teamed to win a big Air Force contract.

Digital Government

Trump's Tech Team Wants to ‘Wow’ Public

The Office of American Innovation isn't interested in tech for tech's sake. It's to make government more efficient.

Digital Government

IT Modernization Bill Clears Senate as Part of Defense Authorization Bill

The OPEN Government Data Act also advances, along with other tech and cyber goodies.

Digital Government

House Panel Moves Bill Urging Federal Buyers to Consider Quality, Not Just Cost

Also: the House Oversight Committee approves a measure promoting social media monitoring in clearance investigations.


NSA Quietly Awarded a Classified $2.4 Billion Tech Contract With More to Come

CSRA wins the NSA’s Groundbreaker recompete to modernize portions of the intelligence community’s IT infrastructure


Lawmakers Push Again to Mandate Mobile-Friendly Federal Websites

New federal websites would have to be easy to view on smartphones and other devices, according to a Senate bill.

Digital Government

Federal Government Needs a Gatekeeper for Data-based Reform

The government will likely need a data-centric agency and new positions to protect privacy as it expands the use of confidential data, the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking said.

Emerging Tech

Trump’s Tech Team Shares Plans For Modernizing Government

The White House wants to know what's missing and will keep commenting open until Sept. 20.

Digital Government

How NOAA Plans to Improve Tracking Harvey-Like Storms

As the agency's next-gen satellites come online, it expects more accurate forecasts and increased lead time for severe weather.


Managing Change: The Key to Successful IT Modernization

To modernize, chief information officers need to think about how to manage change, not just technology.


Here’s a Cloud Guide Written by Feds for Feds. Will the White House Listen?

The interagency group has been sharing the draft to solicit further feedback and attract the White House's attention.


GSA Official: For Cloud to Mature, Talk More About Opportunity and Less About Security

Instead of "lift and shift," agencies must focus on making IT processes more efficient in the cloud.

Artificial Intelligence

Feds Take Next Step In Spreading Blockchain Tech

The federal government's buying hub is hosting a workshop about integrating new technology in early September.