Digital Government

Agency Scores Fall in Latest FITARA Scorecard

The new metric on software licensing knocked many agencies' grades down.

Emerging Tech

Watchdog: Agencies Find Old Development Habits Die Hard

Only four agencies had policies and processes in place to develop software in increments.

Emerging Tech

Farmers to Congress: We Need Broadband, Too

Agriculture and energy companies in rural areas want to find efficiencies with internet of things devices, but lack of high-speed access is a problem


Pentagon: We Want You — to Get Us Into The Cloud Much Faster

We need the private sector's help to vault DOD into the world of elastic computing and machine learning.

Digital Government

Fate of Chief Data Officers Relies on Which Data Transparency Bill Passes

Two different versions of the OPEN Government Data Act are working their way through Congress.

Emerging Tech

Astronauts Have Been Dealing With the Same Crappy Printers for 17 Years

Even people on the International Space Station deal with paper jams and ink shortages.


Could FedRAMP Approvals Be Used to Buy All Government Technology?

The New Democrats Coalition pushes the government to adopt shared technology certifications and a national breach notification standard.

Artificial Intelligence

GSA Launches Guide for Tech-Curious Agencies

The online resource focuses on practical applications of emerging technologies.

Emerging Tech

FDA CIO: Agile Is Simply Good Business

One thing agencies need to do is get out of a reactive mode, the agency's CIO Todd Simpson said.

Emerging Tech

Survey: 42% of Feds Say Increasing Workloads Merit More Automation

More than 75 percent of respondents said they spend at least a quarter of their workday on tedious administrative tasks.


Using Technology to Aid the Opioid Crisis' Innocent Victims

Manual processes are holding back the way governments could support children and families in crisis.

Emerging Tech

5 Ways Congress Can Grow the Internet of Things

A trade association asked Congress to pass legislation that would advance connected technology in the United States.


The White House's Cyber Tool Wish List

Acting Federal Chief Information Security Officer Grant Schneider pushed for tools that are easy to use but can share threat info in real time.


Can the Government’s Buying Power Create a More Secure Internet of Things?

Device manufacturers still determine how they secure their gadgets, but legislation could push industry in a more secure direction, experts tell the House Oversight committee.

Digital Government

Senate Panel Passes FITARA Extension in Block of IT Bills

Other legislation includes a mandate for agencies to create mobile-friendly websites and to report on the security clearance backlog.

Digital Government

Congressman Wants U.S. to Part With Europe on Data Privacy

As the number of devices quietly gathering your data increases, so does the risk of exposure.