Digital Government

Special Report: IT Modernization Priorities for 2021

Many of the new administration’s early executive orders, memos and plans included a technology component, but have yet to address the underlying issues with government IT.


Last Chance For Agencies To Weigh In On TBM Self-Assessment

The comment period is closing on the self-assessment framework that agencies will use to measure their compliance with the mandatory Technology Business Management accounting standard.


IRS Doesn’t Know How Many Legacy Systems It Has or How Much They Cost, IG Says

The tax agency needs to start with a single definition of what constitutes a “legacy system.”


VA Needs a Cyber Audit of its Governmentwide Financial Services Center

The accounting shared services program—used by a range of federal agencies and programs—needs to ensure its systems are secure.


How CBP Plans to Spend—and Repay—Its $15M Modernization Fund Loan

Agency officials already completed the first phase of modernizing the nation’s second-largest revenue collection system but needed an infusion of cash to keep the momentum going.


How USPTO Avoided the Strains of Pandemic-Forced Mass Telework

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Chief Information Officer Jamie Holcombe shared new details about the agency's increased productivity.


VA Wants a Veteran-Owned Business to Upgrade Wichita Facility’s IT Ahead of Health Records Rollout

The deployment of Veterans Affairs’ new electronic health record program has been on hold while the agency deals with COVID-19 but the agency wants to get Wichita’s infrastructure ready to roll.


VA Wants to Automate Digitization of its 5-Mile-High Electronic Health Record Backlog

Veterans Affairs is looking to robotic process automation to help digitize its backlog and integrate with the new electronic health record platform.


OMB Names Two More Lead Offices for New Shared Services Regime

The announcement comes after two more agencies completed their marketplace implementation plans.


Critical Update: How the Coronavirus is Changing Federal Work

“Government is traditionally seen as this old, ancient, antiquated system … How [does this change] the future of work for government?”

Digital Government

USDA’s Chad Sheridan Says Goodbye to Government Service—For Now

After driving IT transformation and helping launch, he’s heading to the private sector to work as a chief innovation officer.


Clock Starts on Naming Leaders, Beginning Work on Evidence Act

Agencies now have official guidance on how to meet the first phase of requirements under the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act.


Shifting Priorities, Metrics Lead To Relatively Flat FITARA Grades

The latest scorecard showed agencies are making progress in key areas. But new metrics and a few backslides brought most grades back down.


Agencies a Step Closer to Open Data, Chief Data Officers

The OPEN Government Data Act, tucked inside the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act, passed the House.


IT Modernization Bill Heads to President

Congress passes the Modernizing Government Technology Act as part of the defense authorization bill.


Lawmakers to Agencies on FITARA: Get It Together

A House oversight committee pushed IT leaders to set more ambitious upgrade goals after its fifth assessment of federal agencies’ technology.