
Senate Democrats Introduce Bill to Help State and Cities Modernize IT Systems

The bill would provide $120 million annually for seven years to fund tech teams and tech planning grants.  


Federal CIO Says New IT Modernization Plan In the Works

The Biden administration will outline exactly what it “stands for” when it comes to IT delivery in government, Federal CIO Clare Martorana said.


How Design Thinking Can Improve Public Sector IT

With its push to provide faster, more predictable and higher quality software, public sector IT organizations may have discounted the need for design.


OMB Prioritizes Cyber, COVID Tech For New TMF Payback Model

Officials urged agencies to pitch projects that focus on hack cleanup, COVID-19 response or economic recovery by June 2 for maximum repayment flexibility from the Technology Modernization Fund.


GAO: Only 2 of the 10 Most Critical Legacy IT Systems Have Full Modernization Plans

The federal watchdog warned that eight of the most important mission-critical modernization efforts could fail without sufficient, documented plans.


Air Force to Field Kessel Run Command and Control Product

The service wants feedback on a suite of tools called Kessel Run All Domain Operations Suite, or KRADOS, to continue developing it.


Jumpstarting Federal IT Modernization in the New Administration

Agencies should start by selecting the applications most appropriate for modernization and creating an architecture where legacy and modern systems can co-exist.


Health Modernization: Core IT Must Keep Up with Clinical Innovation

Updating old systems allow defense health officials a chance to consider new approaches to the processes, platforms and skill sets that could drive better outcomes.


Commerce Watchdog Issues Alert on Major IT Modernization Project

In a management alert, the agency inspector general warned a 20-year, $341 million project is too focused on new technology instead of fixing business processes.


Special Report: The Evolution of the FITARA Scorecard

An in-depth look at an important oversight tool Congress uses to track agencies’ modernization efforts.


DOD’s Deputy CIO Wants to Change the Conversation on IT

Danielle Metz, leader for the information enterprise, discusses the misconceptions about the office of the CIO, the ongoing Fourth Estate Network Optimization project and the importance of software modernization.


Critical Update: The Programmers of Public Service

Meet two federal software developers: One at the start of their career and the other nearing the end.


Connolly, Hice Announce Bill to Improve Performance Planning at FITARA Hearing

The Performance Enhancement Reform Act would require greater collaboration among agency officials and more detailed descriptions of resources required to meet goals.


From COBOL to Cloud: DOD’s Digital Journey

Migrating big systems can be a huge project. But technologies are standing by to help you achieve it.

Digital Government

Biden Budget Requests Major Investments for Federal Technology and Cybersecurity

The 1.5 trillion budget would give the Technology Modernization Fund and CISA big increases as well as launch new advanced research projects agencies.


Treasury’s $1B Cloud Contract Aimed at Single Cloud Broker

Contracting officials released a new clarification document as the department continues preliminary work on a broad cloud management contract.

Digital Government

Biden Infrastructure Plan Includes Billions for Federal Buildings and Research

The American Jobs Plan proposes spending a small chunk of the $2 trillion on improving federal office buildings and hospitals.

Artificial Intelligence

China Is ‘Danger Close’ to US in AI Race, DOD AI Chief Says

JAIC leader stresses that AI ethics guidelines don’t slow down the United States. In fact, they are essential.

Digital Government

IRS Needs Help Managing and Upgrading Legacy Criminal Investigations Systems

The two main IT systems that manage the tax agency’s investigations efforts are 10 and 15 years old, and users want new capabilities.


IRS Offers First Look at $2.6B Contract Touching All Its IT Systems

The new Enterprise Development, Operations Services contract will include developing new systems and improving the efficiency of existing applications.