
North Korea Is Upping Its Offensive Cyber Operations

As Pyongyang runs out of money for missile tests, expect more hacking.


DHS to Scrutinize Government Supply Chain for Cyber Risks

The department wants to integrate cyber vetting into existing supply chain checks.


Two Charged With Jackpotting Theft

The Justice Department announced charges against two for making a Connecticut ATM spit out cash.


Watch Out For ATM 'Jackpotting' Hack

The notorious form of cyber theft has reached the United States.


These LA Startups Are What Stand Between Hackers and Your Medical Devices

Some of the most important cybersecurity work is happening in nondescript offices across the nation.


2017 Was Marked by Continuity and Confusion in Cyber Policy

The Kaspersky ban, WannaCry and big changes at State Department topped the news cycle.


Air Force Pays Out Government’s Biggest Bug Bounty Yet

White-hat hackers and military cyber specialists teamed up for the latest Hack the Air Force program.


White House: Government Needs More Bug Bounty Programs

The IT modernization report also urges moving cybersecurity closer to federal employees.


Will Ukraine Be Hit by Yet Another Holiday Power-Grid Hack?

The country has been attacked the past two years in December. A new strike could have major implications for cybersecurity in the U.S.


LA Cyber Center Hopes to be a Model for Cities Nationwide

During the past four years, Los Angeles has centralized its cyber operations using models developed by the federal government and industry sectors.


All Major Agencies Will Be on Federal Cybersecurity Dashboard by February

The dashboard will help government cyber officials work faster when a new bug is discovered.


How to Stay Secure While Holiday Shopping

Don't let cyber thieves or unsecured devices ruin your holiday.


These Scientists Took Over a Computer by Encoding Malware in DNA

There’s no immediate threat, but as sequencing becomes more commonplace, researchers face security risks.


Who Are the Biggest Payers to Global Ransomware Hackers?

All bitcoin transactions are permanently recorded on the blockchain, and anyone can view them.


Cybersecurity So Bad, It Makes You WannaCry

There are many interesting elements about the ransomware attack, the biggest being the tools to stop it were readily available.