Digital Government

Russia’s Spear Phishing Tactics in the 2016 Election Are Boring Compared to Its 2008 Hack of the US Military

Long before the world knew the contents of Hillary Clinton staffers’ inboxes thanks to Russian hackers, the country went after an even bigger US target.


How to Foil a Tech-Support Scam

Fraudsters are getting cleverer and more aggressive—but the government is cracking down.


Hackers Can Listen In on Your Skype Calls

A security researcher found a way to “piggyback” on video chats, and it’s very hard to detect.


Report: Backups May Not Be Enough Protection from Ransomware

Threat intelligence firm CrowdStrike warns criminals are ramping up the frequency and cost of ransomware attacks.


DHS: Don't Fall for Louisiana Flood Charity Scams

The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team warned against donating to fake organizations.


Video: New Android Malware 'HummingBad' Infects Millions

Users should note that the malware prefers to target earlier operating systems, KitKat and JellyBean.


Bill Banning Porn, Personal Email on Agency Computers Under Fire on Unrelated Grounds

White House threatens veto over provisions on firing senior executives and reporting on union activities.


DHS: Security Holes in All Symantec Programs a ‘Very Serious Event’

The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team recommends users and system administrators fix their Symantec programs immediately.


The Internet of Things Means Hospitals Are More Hackable Than Ever. The VA is Prepared.

With construction manuals tailored to smart buildings, the Veterans Affairs Department seems prepared for the day when bugs infect its hospitals.


DHS: Agencies Reported 321 Cases of Potential Ransomware

In all cases, the "ransomware" infections were neutralized without agencies having to pay up.


5 Tips to Avoid Getting Scammed This Tax Season

It falls on individual taxpayers to ensure they are taking the right steps to be protected.


CORRECTED: The Ransomware Threat to Agencies

Ransomware is running rampant across systems in state and local government, businesses and homes across the country.


Could a More Secure Online Browser Protect Background Check Hack Victims?

Richard “Hollis” Helms, a 45-year-veteran of the intelligence community, has a tool he says might stem the potential bleeding of national secrets.


DHS Cyber Czar, Tech Titans Tell Commerce to Rethink Hacking Arms Control

Reached in 2013, the Wassenaar Arrangement bans multinational firms and cyber vendors from transmitting information about "intrusion software" across borders without first obtaining a license.