
DHS Cyber Czar, Tech Titans Tell Commerce to Rethink Hacking Arms Control

Reached in 2013, the Wassenaar Arrangement bans multinational firms and cyber vendors from transmitting information about "intrusion software" across borders without first obtaining a license.


Why Aren't We Learning from These Devastating Cyberattacks?

Here's why cyberthreat information sharing between the public and private sectors might make sense.

Digital Government

Someone At DEF CON Made a Drone That Hacks Computers

You can buy it for $2,500 — and turn it into a flying malware injector.


VA CIO: OPM Breach Is a Lesson for All Employees

VA defends against 55,000 new malware variants every day, according to the agency.

Digital Government

VA Continues Facing Onslaught of Cyberattacks

The Department of Veterans Affairs blocked more than 1 billion cyber threats in April.


How Agencies Can Cut Through the ‘Fog of More’ in Cybersecurity

A constantly changing threat landscape is creating a “fog of more” scenario, where it’s increasingly difficult for agencies to focus on the greatest cyber risk.


Agencies Waited Nearly a Month and a Half to Fix High-Threat Vulnerabilities

Initial "anti-phishing" and malware defense reports show the mean time for dealing with "high findings" flagged by vulnerability scans was 42 days.