
Ben Carson calls for a moon shot in cyberspace

The Republican presidential hopeful wants to create a National Cyber Security Administration to focus on cyberthreats.

Digital Government

Why the $300 million software project needs to go extinct

Private-sector innovation could send massive, failure-prone projects the way of the dinosaur if federal agencies are willing and able to seize the opportunity, says one leading CIO.


ACT-IAC survey offers new cybersecurity ideas

The organization has gathered 200 ideas on securing government networks and managing cybersecurity policy and operations.


Pentagon delays cyber contracting requirements

The two-year delay will give contractors time to adapt to a shifting landscape in cybersecurity requirements that has been characterized as a maze of piecemeal regulations.

Digital Government

Government data is 'weird'

The mandated dive into government data is revealing surprising value to agencies, but it comes with rigorous reporting that runs deeper than a typical audit.


Time to measure the White House drapes for the next occupant

A new center to support the presidential transition officially launched Jan. 20, a year ahead of the next inauguration.


CIOs struggle to quantify success

Watchdogs often put a price tag on failed IT projects, but what about successes? CIOs say it's tough to communicate the value of an IT project gone right.


How to take control of federal performance management

Six steps human capital officers can take to improve performance at agencies.


A breach is coming -- is your agency ready?

The key to successfully navigating a security breach is to develop a three-pronged, comprehensive incident response process ahead of time.


You can never start a transition too early

The wheels are in motion for the next handoff of presidential power in 2017, and while government has plenty to do, outside partnerships are forming a key part of the "let's not mess this transition up" coalition.


State of the Union is light on cyber, but touches on online terror

President Obama's final State of the Union address was light on tech, and was his first in many years not to directly address cybersecurity.


Indie CIOs fall under FITARA's scope

A spending bill provision expands CIO budget authority to independent agencies, but whether or how agencies will actually change their operations is an open question.


OPM COO resigns

Angela Bailey has been at the center of an organization under intense pressure to improve its cyber defense following the large-scale hack affecting millions of federal employees that OPM revealed last June.


Pentagon CIO issues IT services directive

The directive is the latest move in an ongoing effort by CIO Terry Halvorsen to standardize how all defense agencies measure their IT performance.


Is there a federal CIO playbook for a militia takeover?

The armed invasion of a remote Fish and Wildlife Service building in eastern Oregon's high desert may not be a disaster for the agency's IT operations, but it could point to a gap in IT contingency planning, CIOs say.


Truly committing to innovation and the cloud

Government's success is enabled by using contracting practices that reward rather than discourage new ideas and approaches.


How to manage agency budgets in real time

Here are three steps for moving from static spreadsheets to truly dynamic tools that support decision-making and mission analysis.


VA hires second-ranking IT official

Ron Thompson, a senior IT official at the Department of Health and Human Services, is getting the number two post at the Office of Information and Technology at Veterans Affairs.


The big freeze at DOT

Department of Transportation CIO Richard McKinney is using his FITARA hammer to halt purchasing until he gets spending plans that show him what the heck is going on.


Agencies: Get ready to see more of OMB in 2016

The Office of Management and Budget is planning more of a hands-on approach to agencies' tech and will be updating policies and focusing on cybersecurity in the coming year.