
Air Force closes in on new directive for IT governance

Lisa Disbrow, President Obama's choice for the post of Undersecretary of the Air Force, updated a Senate panel on the Air Force's IT plans at her nomination hearing.


Cybersecurity isn't just about money, OPM adviser says

OPM cyber guru Clifton Triplett wants agencies to make better use of the people and tools they already have.


IG report highlights IT shortfalls at State

The IG's semiannual report to Congress highlights IT and cybersecurity risk areas at the State Department.


The limits (and myths) of security

Five principles for securing government information systems can help agencies better understand and manage risk.


18F, Digital Service are here to stay, CIO says

The new in-house IT consultancies at GSA and OMB will likely outlast the Obama administration, according to federal CIO Tony Scott.

Digital Government

The evolving role of the chief data officer

Chief data officers are still finding out where they fit into agency plans and hierarchies.


OMB director announces new privacy panel

OMB Director Shaun Donovan announced the creation of a new Federal Privacy Council which will be formed in 2016.


Collaboration rules the CIO Council IT Solutions Challenge

The first batch of contest winners came from diverse agencies, and focused on the problems of coming together in IT and acquisition.


DOD urged to go commercial

The Defense Department is being outpaced in technology development by the commercial side. Advisers say, "If you can't beat them, join them."



The plan outlines ways the agency CIO can better control IT spending -- and delegate when necessary.


Government waste playbook highlights 'fumbles'

A host of IT boondoggles are featured in Sen. James Lankford's debut report on wasteful federal spending.


The key to successful IT consolidation efforts

Application portfolio management is a vital component of agencies' efforts to do more with less while keeping the focus on achieving their mission.


Groups want OMB to reconsider info policy revisions

A collection of public interest groups wants to preserve sections on the importance of public information in the key A-130 information policy document.


Clock ticking on FITARA implementation

There's much to do in a short amount of time to make the IT reforms in FITARA work, leaders say.


Federal shared services -- is the third time the charm?

The creation of a new oversight office in GSA leaves many critical issues unresolved, but it's an important improvement nonetheless.


Next-generation IT governance

CIOs must find ways to nudge mission partners toward smarter investment decisions.


Cobert nominated to head OPM

President Obama nominated Beth Cobert, who has served as the Office of Personnel Management’s acting director since she took over for Katherine Archuleta in July, to serve as OPM’s full director.


What will Paul Ryan’s speakership mean for federal workers?

Groups representing federal workers worry that Speaker Ryan will back pay freezes for federal workers and steep cuts to federal benefits as part of plans to balance the budget.


House panel hands out failing grades for FITARA implementation

Agencies aren't living up to expectations in key areas of IT acquisition reform legislation, according to a congressional report card.