
Imitation is flattery: BlackBerry, Samsung emulate strategies to lure DOD clients

BlackBerry is still the incumbent in a sensitive market, but Samsung has invested in security to try to turn the tables.


FCC passes new text-to-911 rules

While just two percent of Americans have access to text-to-911 services -- and not all commissioners support the idea -- new FCC rules promise wider deployment.


EPA’s cloud computing conundrum

An IG report critical of the agency’s handling of its cloud services shows a “business as usual” approach to managing assets, says a Deltek analyst.

Digital Government

Why the Apple-IBM deal could be a game-changer for gov

Analysts say the newly announced collaboration could be a very big deal for federal mobility.


Isolate and conquer: Getting past a reliance on layered security

It's time to throw cyberattackers into solitary before they strike, writes Bromium's Simon Crosby.


Pivoting for the next big leap in government IT

For all the advancements we've seen in consumer technology and enterprise applications in the past couple of decades, government networks have remained largely unchanged.


DoD seeks ideas on mobile phones of the future

The government no longer drives the market for secure telecom because mobility is advancing faster than government procurement cycles.


The cybersecurity framework and you

Deconstructing the tools that have emerged from Obama's executive order on securing critical infrastructure.


'Social media as an applied science'

Two-year-old SocialGov is seeking a broader impact on the relationship between government and citizen.


CFPB's Ashwin Vasan: Build teams with 'a passion for doing things differently'

The CIO for the government's youngest agency says that even in start-up mode, building a culture of innovation is tricky.


Overcoming the fear of change can save our government billions

Video collaboration can bring big savings and efficiency gains, if managers get past their status-quo concerns.


3 rules for managing mobility

It is possible to balance data security and user flexibility -- if agencies follow these key guidelines.


Making sense of mobile data management

As more and more federal employees use their own mobile devices at work, agencies must focus on securing the data, not the device.


5 steps for developing a winning mobile strategy

Agencies that want to step onto the mobile stage should formulate a comprehensive game plan, as opposed to a "let's just build it" mentality.


Managing the mobile workforce

As agencies log successes in enterprisewide initiatives, the familiar challenges of security and trust remain.


Stop reinventing the mobility wheel

Rather than creating custom apps from scratch, agencies should take advantage of the opportunity to build on one another's valuable data and code.


Agencies want more guidance on digital strategy

IT and HR managers are reasonably happy with the progress their agencies have made but want senior leaders to play a more active role.


Which technologies really matter?

SolarWinds surveyed public sector IT professionals on the technologies having the biggest impact in their agencies -- and on how often their expertise is sought by top management.


The myth of the telework gender gap

New data has destroyed the notion that teleworking is the nearly exclusive province of women with small children.