Digital Government

Tech needs to keep same pace at work as home, feds say

Feds are excited about technology, but a majority wish the products at work could keep up with the changes in technology in their personal lives.


5 strategies for taking telework to new heights

The latest technologies and refinements to managerial best practices offer new opportunities for improving and extending telework programs.


Digital government push fuels BYOD adoption

Agencies considering a policy for employees to bring their own devices now have a toolkit as aid.


Industry members laud Digital Government Strategy

The framework to transform the government to better suit 21st-century needs gets nods from private-sector IT professionals.

Digital Government

Is mobility the way out of customer satisfaction stagnation?

Consumers are largely satisfied with federal websites, but their opinions seem to be unchanging. Could more attention to mobility nudge the numbers upward?


Citizens provide guidance for Commerce's digital government efforts

Officials at the Commerce Department asked the public for ideas on what to focus on in implementing the federal digital strategy, and the replies are coming in.

Digital Government

Census offers real-time peeks into economy

A new mobile app provides key statistics on U.S. financial matters and trends.

Digital Government

Augmented reality: Where the real and virtual worlds meet

Agencies have quietly been adding augmented reality to their bag of tech tricks for years.


How BYOD is helping one agency ease the pain of budget cuts

A careful analysis led the EEOC to find a few simple adjustments to make up for lost funds. Here's how they did it.


How DHS is tackling the Digital Government Strategy

The "workplace as a service" program that DHS will debut this fall is just one of several innovative forays into digital government at the department.

Digital Government

Prediction: One fourth of federal websites to be mobile-friendly in a year

A GSA official believes agencies are making steady progress at optimizing data for mobile devices, predicting a 'giant step forward' soon.

Digital Government

Poll reveals top 4 mobility headaches

Mobile devices, while widely popular, come with challenges. The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project has identified four of the most common ones.


Feds see IT as cost, not opportunity

More federal executives say streamlining and modernizing business processes is a bigger priority than IT.

Digital Government

Mobility push intensifies for e-government

The federal government gets good ratings from citizens for its e-government, but there has been little improvement in the past three years. Is mobility the key to pushing scores higher?

Digital Government

What comes after Networx?

The next federal telecom contract will focus on mobility, cloud and flexibility.

Digital Government

Is mobility the key to DOD’s future?

Mobile devices have quickly become an important defense asset, and now the department is looking to a mobile future.


Got an app for that? For combat vets, the answer is yes.

Mobile apps and cutting-edge technology are changing the way we care for our troops -- and maybe, someday, even the general public.


Digital center opens, part of Obama's digital strategy

The Obama administration has launched a center intended to help foster a more mobile-friendly, customer-centric government, with a new leader at the helm.


Will the digital strategy change management patterns?

To achieve the plan's goals, federal managers will need to give up some control over employees and information.