
NASA beefs up telework plan

The space agency seeks to complement its Work From Anywhere program with new mobility strategy.

Digital Government

How to get mobile under control

Mobile device management has fast become a must-have tool for agencies joining the mobile revolution.


Why telework doesn't always work

Federal agencies are pushing for telework as a way to function during emergencies, but widespread power, telephone and Internet outages could undermine that vision.

Digital Government

Arlington Cemetery developing smartphone app

Visitors to Arlington Cemetery will soon have a virtual tour app to show them around.


DHS struggles with mobile device management

IG finds the agency's biggest challenge is ensuring the security of portable devices and information stored on them.


10 trends shaping the federal IT future

Deloitte identifies "enablers" and "disruptors" taking on significant roles in federal IT.


IG: DHS needs protection from employees' portable devices

Primarily for consumers, portable devices lack security features needed survive in a government environment.

Digital Government

A faster, better, cheaper way to do high-tech procurement?

Some experts question whether RFP-EZ is the right way to go about fixing the government’s IT procurement problems.


Should DOD be taking more risks with mobility?

DOD's intrinsic risk aversion challenges its ability to stay current with mobile capabilities, and some of its leaders believe it's time to rethink that caution.

Digital Government

VanRoekel: Digital government strategy has 'hit the ground running'

The White House is making progress on realizing its vision of building a technology-savvy, citizen-centric government.


Digital strategy launches great mobility build-out

The government's new digital strategy has ambitious plans for managing the rollout of mobile technology -- some say too ambitious.


Can new mobile government plans overcome old problems?

Federal agencies are rolling out a host of mobile strategies, but will it be enough to overcome decades-old challenges?


Emerging tech will power future of government IT in lean times

Cloud and mobility are becoming increasingly important in helping government CIOs meet mission needs, GSA technology leader says.


DOD balances security, cost and ease in mobility plan

DOD's new mobile strategy intended to 'keep DOD workforce relevant' through a comprehensive approach to the technologies.


NASA reveals IT reform progress

A year after releasing a strategic IT management plan, NASA's CIO touts progress.

Digital Government

How RIM's fortune could affect your BlackBerry

The maker of the popular BlackBerry is on the financial ropes. What does it mean for feds?


GSA takes closer look at IT portfolio

Following the release of the Digital Government Strategy, GSA CIO Casey Coleman says her agency will looks to review its IT portfolio as part of the federal IT reform.


DHS to unveil mobile security reference architecture

The agency is looking to address BYOD and mobile security in upcoming framework.

Digital Government

Not an app for that? One moment.

The Army's training program in app writing has proven successful.


Tips for the digital government strategy

The new digital government strategy might be overwhelming, but agencies are beginning to sort it out and offer advice.