Digital Government

Oversight panel advances records preservation, transparency bills

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved a slate of bills aimed at preserving electronic records, improving customer experience and posting more information online.

Digital Government

GSA takes the lead on making federal websites mobile friendly

Agencies need to start paying attention soon, because the Connective Government Act will require all new sites to optimize for mobile users.


CBP revises rules for device searches at the border

New guidelines prevent law enforcement from trying to hack phones or access content on the cloud without "reasonable suspicion."

Digital Government

Why making the White House a no-phone zone makes sense

A new policy to eliminate personal devices from the West Wing may be aimed at plugging leaks, but it could prove a smart move when it comes to security.

Digital Government

Congress requires mobile-friendly websites

The Connected Government Act requires all new or redesigned federal websites to scale to mobile screens.

Digital Government

AT&T to join Census mobile device efforts

The Commerce Dept. says a successful contract award protest is moot after AT&T agreed to join CDW-G on the Census mobile device-as-a-service contract as a subcontractor.


Armed services plan for an increasingly mobile future

The Air Force, Marine Corps and Army are looking to bring logistics tracking and wireless learning capabilities to mobile devices for troops.


Mobile apps demand collides with security concerns

The Defense Department has an aggressive mobile strategy, but can it keep up with demand and security patches?


Why GAO nixed the Census mobile deal

Census made several key slipups in its decision to award a $283 million mobile device contract for the 2020 population count, according to the Government Accountability Office.


Gowdy: White House deleted text, social media apps from official phones

White House staff no longer have text or social media messaging apps on their official phones because of records management headaches, according to a letter from a key House overseer.


Verizon plans FirstNet rival

Verizon says it will carve a dedicated network out of its extensive national 4G LTE network for first responders, in competition with FirstNet.


What it will take to make carriers bullish on EIS

Telecommunications service providers hope agencies don't play safe with EIS and instead lean on them for help with next generation services.


CBP hopes job app will smooth hiring

Customs and Border Protection is banking that a re-engineered hiring processes and a new mobile app will help the agency recruit new agents and support personnel.


DHS makes mobile security a priority

Mobile security continues to be top priority for the Department of Homeland Security, which has multiple efforts underway to address threats to federal devices.

Digital Government

Census' $2B+ IT toolkit starts to take shape

With preparations for a dress rehearsal set to begin in August, the Census Bureau is rounding out the contracted services for its 2020 count.


Social Security takes a second crack at two-factor authentication

Almost a year after rolling back a mobile phone-based authentication plan for its public beneficiary services, the Social Security Administration unveils a new approach.


Mobile security threats facing feds

Federal wireless device users face a disparate set of threats, but the government's buying clout is unlikely change the security picture, a new study says.


OMB seeks more specific IT spending data

New guidance instructs agencies to break out investments for seven standard "support IT" categories.


Navigation moves indoors

By using the data generated from smartphone sensor readings, radio frequency signal strengths and GPS fixes, NIST hopes developers can build indoor navigation apps that can be validated against fixed locations.


Terry Halvorsen joins Samsung

The former DOD CIO is taking a senior role with the Korean electronics manufacturer.