
AT&T aligns public sector under Kapoor

AT&T combines previously separated groups, as well as its new FirstNet partnership duties, under longtime federal head Kay Kapoor.


Marines want industry help with mobility

U.S. Marine forces operations are increasingly expeditionary, but their IT systems are not keeping pace, so the Corps is asking industry for help with mobility.


FirstNet award on tap

There isn't much suspense as the Commerce Department prepares to announce the winner of a $6.5 billion national wireless broadband emergency network contract.

Digital Government

Army mobile transition slowed by culture

The Army is working to develop a mobile ecosystem that allows work to be done anywhere, anytime, but that requires cultural change, not just technological change says one official.


FirstNet expects court decision soon

FirstNet's top lawyer said the bid protest holding up the $6.5 billion contract award could be resolved "in the next several days."

Digital Government

Chaffetz bills would outlaw warrantless stingray use

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) introduced two bills that would rein in law enforcement's use of technologies that tracking users via their mobile phones.


The future is mobile

How to balance cybersecurity threats and demographic trends in the federal workforce.


Worries over Trump's smartphone continue

Top Democrats on the Senate Homeland Security Committee are worried President Trump is still using an outdated, vulnerable Android smartphone.


The federal government must prioritize mobile now

Mobile devices are in nearly every workplace, and increasingly serve as linchpins for authentication. Agencies must better understand and manage those risks.

Digital Government

12 government apps to get you through the holiday season

The federal government is getting in on the holiday spirit, promoting 12 holiday-relevant agency apps that offer travel, weather, safety and educational information.

Digital Government

Why DOD needs a mobile upgrade

A new report from the Center for a New American Security argues the Pentagon needs to ditch its risk-averse culture and procurement procedures and embrace next-generation mobile technology.


What CIOs should do next

A wide-ranging discussion by public- and private-sector IT leaders revealed key drivers for achieving positive mission outcomes.


Emily E. Antos

Assistant Program Manager, Engineering Sea Warrior Program, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic, Department of the Navy


Census announces test plans for 2017, 2018

After deciding to call off field tests, the Census Bureau announced it is moving forward with address canvassing tests in 2017 and confirmed its 2018 end-to-end test locations.

Digital Government

Can tech transform the social safety net?

Data sharing and technology offer greater opportunities for people to find jobs, and they present the government with a chance to streamline, improve and rethink social programs.

Digital Government

How mobile solutions can drive citizen engagement for government

With well thought-out design, useful analytics, and a truly custom experience for end users, citizen experience can be improved dramatically.


IG: Interior needs to tighten computer security

A new report says the Interior Department needs to strengthen user access controls and mobile encryption.

Digital Government

OMB unveils category management policy for mobile

Mobile devices and services get the buying scrutiny that has already been applied to laptops, desktops and software licensing.


GAO: More data needed on costs and benefits of telework

The government watchdog wants OPM to track the savings associated with telework and provide guidance for agencies to quantify the costs and benefits.

Digital Government

Federal digital transformation: What's next for USDS and 18F?

The government's digital teams have provided desperately needed skills, but government is an "at-scale" enterprise that cannot afford to wait for a small cadre of specialists to make its way around to everyone.