Digital Government

Interior seeks to 'geofence' wildfires

The Interior Department has unveiled a prototype app to keep private drones from interfering with aerial firefighting efforts.

Digital Government

Census moves ahead with 2017 testing plans

The Census Bureau is seeking public feedback on its plan to use Puerto Rico as a proving ground for tech in advance of the 2020 enumeration.


FCC: New 5G framework fosters health IT innovation

The FCC's 5G rules could enable health IT innovations such as remote medical care, mobile applications and wireless body sensors, according to a top agency official.

Digital Government

Congress worries that virtual monsters are eating up data

House Democrats want assurances that the wildly popular Pokemon Go app is consuming the data of unsuspecting mobile consumers.

Digital Government

Marines could see secure handhelds by 2019

A new program will provide rugged secure handheld smart devices to Marines.


DHS asks industry about cyberthreats to mobility

The Science and Technology Directorate at DHS is tapping industry for clues to the mobile cyberthreat landscape.

Digital Government

BYOD is evolving for a cyber-conscious age

Bring-your-own device policies were envisioned as a way to save money during a time of budget cuts, but policies are pivoting as government gets increasingly security conscious.


Navigating NSA's Commercial Solutions for Classified program

Although the CSfC program is meant to streamline the certification process, primers like the one produced by the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology further simplify it.


NGA makes disaster-response app public

Making the Mobile Awareness GEOINT Environment app public is NGA’s latest move to contribute to an open-source geospatial community shaped by the private sector.

Digital Government

Interior spending $50K per month on unused mobile devices

The Interior Department is wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars annually on mobile devices that are unused or unsecured, according to a new inspector general report.

Digital Government

Building a digitally savvy workforce

In this excerpt from "Delivering on Digital," William Eggers explores one agency's approach to expanding digital capacity by recruiting and training the team.

Digital Government

Build or buy? Census chooses both

The Census Bureau is planning a hybrid approach to its data collection for 2020 and beyond.


FDA plans major IT refresh

The Food and Drug Administration is focusing on cloud and mobility in a coming technology overhaul.


FTC seeks to patrol mobile patching

The regulator is taking a look at how mobile device manufacturers conduct periodic security updates.

Digital Government

Air Force wants to link iPads with SIPRNET

Air Force CTO Frank Konieczny sees a future for iPads on the Defense Department’s classified network.


FBI will not share iPhone vulnerability in San Bernardino case

The decision casts new light on a review process that government officials say is rigorous and weighted toward disclosure but some critics contend is subject to manipulation.

Digital Government

DISA claims progress in classified mobile

A year-old program to deploy mobile devices that can access classified information has gained steam, said Jack Wilmer, a Defense Information Systems Agency official.

Digital Government

Agencies dream of commercial app stores

The future of mobility lies in finding the right ways to update mobile apps securely without impeding their main selling point: speed.


DHS sets privacy rules for mobile apps

The guidelines require DHS mobile apps to have a privacy policy that is accessible to users before and after installation of the app.