Digital Government

OMB gives mobile the category management treatment

The draft policy, the third in a set of category management directives, directs agencies to report all mobile service use and pricing data to a central system.

Digital Government

Why one government agency seems less than thrilled about Census modernization

The Census Bureau's ambitious modernization plan aims to save $5 billion, but the Postal Service appears worried about losing revenue from delivering fewer paper questionnaires.


Spectrum bill passes Senate panel

A bill backed by Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune (R-S.D.) looks to free up more government spectrum for mobile broadband.


New committee looks to elevate electronic warfare

The Electronic Warfare Executive Committee seeks to translate experimentation into actual capabilities being deployed.


IG wants Secret Service to modernize its radio gear

The DHS inspector general said the Secret Service's outdated radio systems could affect its ability to protect the president and other high-ranking national officials.

Digital Government

No BYOD for Census workers

The Census Bureau has decided against letting enumerators use their own mobile devices for the 2020 count.


Cautious enthusiasm for OMB's mobile consolidation plan

Federal CIOs and industry analysts see potential savings -- and potential problems -- with an emerging OMB policy that would compel agency IT managers to use GSA's mobile contracts.

Digital Government

Why the State Department is adopting responsive design

State officials are redesigning and consolidating the websites for its foreign missions to streamline content management and better accommodate mobile users.


Nuclear response teams get a lighter load

The federal agency that responds to radiological incidents around the country doesn't have as much communications gear to lug around these days.


Justice seeking access to encrypted communications

Law enforcement agencies remain concerned that strong encryption of everyday electronic communications is hampering criminal investigations and prosecutions, a top Justice official said.

Digital Government

E-Verify goes mobile

DHS and Citizenship and Immigration Services are set to test a mobile app for private-sector employee citizenship checks.


Bill coming to establish encryption commission

Lawmakers plan legislation to create an encryption commission to make recommendations on how companies and law enforcement can work together.


Agency demand for wireless explodes

While GSA saw almost $172 million from Connections II wiring and connection contract, demand for wireless is blowing up.

Digital Government

Counting on innovation for census 2020

The woman leading the 2020 enumeration of the American population says well-laid plans will be the key to success.


Why agencies should adopt a "mobile first" strategy

A new report says agencies have room for improvement when it comes to offering mobile apps and making their websites mobile-friendly.

Digital Government

The monumental IT opportunity of the 2020 census

The Census Bureau faces some significant challenges, but recent technology advancements can make its job much easier.

Digital Government

Build or buy? Critical Census IT decisions loom in 2016

The coming year is full of critical milestones as the Census Bureau prepares for 2020, but fundamental strategy questions remain unanswered.