
Michael Wheeless

Michael Wheeless successfully demonstrated that commercial smartphones and tablets could connect securely from Navy ships to networks back ashore.

Digital Government

Andrew Yuen

Andrew Yuen completely revamped the EPA's website to make it easier for users to find the information they need.


Why shadow BYOD is your next big problem

Mobile might not be the most serious security risk, but it needs far more attention than it has been getting.

Digital Government

DOD official: Don't recklessly give away spectrum

Feds must be prepared for even more urgent commercial demands for precious wireless spectrum, according to a top Pentagon IT official.


Dodging 'fatal errors' for Census 2020 tech

With an agile, iterative testing model, the Census Bureau is hoping to avoid repeating the mobile meltdown of 2010 as it tries to technologically streamline -- and secure -- the 2020 count.


How telework breeds loneliness for the office-dwellers left behind

Telework is great for those who need it and can capitalize on distributed work. But a new study shows the morale of those left behind can suffer as telework programs expand -- and can spark an office exodus rooted in loneliness, not necessity.

Digital Government

Census 2020 goes mobile, maybe

The Census Bureau is wrestling with big questions about how it will incorporate mobile devices and Internet responses into its next big tally. Plus, the bureau still needs a new CIO.


Can feds share America's 'invisible infrastructure'?

Lawmakers are mulling bills that would encourage agencies to hand spectrum over to the data-hungry private sector.


How will FITARA affect government mobility?

The new law empowers CIOs to fully integrate mobile technology into the federal workplace — and transform employee productivity.


Will protecting Wi-Fi crowd out innovation?

Industry is pushing back against the prospect of spectrum restrictions as the age-old tradeoff – stability or innovation – looms with mobile connectivity.


Four years on, Army common operating environment takes shape

Army IT personnel are using code to integrate C2 nodes into a common architecture that is the backbone of the sensor computing part of the COE.

Digital Government

DOJ adds warrant requirement to Stingray use

A policy memo puts new boundaries on federal law enforcement's use of cell-site interceptors or IMSI catchers.


It's 2015. Do you know where your data is?

Remote access of data is a beautiful and dangerous thing. When it comes to cloud and mobile, feds could take a breather and collect strategies instead of rushing headlong into the year-end spend-a-palooza.


FirstNet woos potential bidders

With initial funding and spectrum secured, the public safety broadband network must actually start building soon. And that will require the cooperation of telecom firms.