
Why end-user device controls are critical

The FTC's chief technologist recently had his laptop stolen. What happened next shows just how valuable end-user privacy and security controls can be.


DHS funds research into secure mobile tech

The department has awarded funds to universities and companies to develop next-generation tools for protecting mobile devices and data.

Digital Government

Attention feds: Those texts, tweets and snapchats just might be records

The U.S. records chief is taking an expansive view of government content generated by new technology.


Feds talk app stores

Mobility is just as much about apps as it is devices. But vetting and featuring good apps is still a challenge for federal agencies.

Digital Government

In health apps, the game's the thing

Device-agnostic, gamified health apps will drive a new era of self-managed health care. If it isn't fun and well designed, it might not be worth pushing out at all.


A vote of confidence for USPTO telework

After questions were raised about a pioneering agency's productivity, an outside review suggests improvements -- but declares the telework program essentially sound.


How 'fog computing' makes the IoT run

The push to put processing power on the network's edge can be a valuable complement to cloud computing.


ITA official tracks data for cyber insights

The proliferation of data at DOD, via mobile devices and other means, has enlarged the "attack surface" and rendered perimeter-focused defense virtually obsolete.


NIST launches step-by-step cyber guide series

The publication provides IT implementers and security engineers with a detailed security architecture to copy or recreate.

Digital Government

Census hopes mobile approach works in 2020

The Census Bureau is testing more Internet-based response options and hoping to leverage mobile technology to deliver a more accurate count.

Digital Government

VA mobile apps link into the Vista health record

The VA is moving forward with a suite of apps for patients and providers that feature live connections into VA health records.


Government lags in point-of-contact satisfaction

Use of agency websites as the preferred avenue of citizen contact with government nearly doubled in just two years, says a new study.

Digital Government

Pentagon working on federated app store

To save money and time, Defense Department officials are moving gradually toward a shared catalog of approved mobile applications.


Report: State Department needs to rethink use of tech

A National Research Council study suggests utilizing NGOs to help Foggy Bottom identify growing trends in science and technology.


Mobile security at risk with the arrival of millennials

A recent survey shows a marked gap between Baby Boomers and their younger counterparts when it comes to protecting workplace data.