Emerging Tech

NASA Solicits Ideas on its Future Moon Rovers

It’s all part of what the agency calls “a coordinated approach to explore the lunar surface.”


Bureau of Indian Affairs wants new computer contract

The agency that provides services to hundreds of Native American tribes wants a multivendor computer hardware contract that allows its agencies to comply with set-aside goals and unite sometimes fragmented buying.


Happy Lunar New Year, Although New NASA Models Suggest We Might Have Fewer Left

Looking at the world in NASA’s new model makes it easy to see why climate change is a global problem.


Mary Davie: Exit interview

After 30 years at the General Services Administration, Mary Davie is headed for a new innovation post at NASA.

Emerging Tech

Former NASA Commander Says Space Force 'Incredibly Important'

Pam Melroy also explained how commercial space flights could pave the way for an entirely new tourism paradigm.


FITARA scores trend up, but concerns on data centers, CIO authorities remain

At the ninth House hearing on implementation of the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act, many agencies showed improvement, but lawmakers cited familiar problems.


Advanced tech and human operators

Artificial intelligence and machine learning tools are helping perform cybersecurity tasks, but humans remain central to the process, experts say.


NASA's big contract vehicle lowers fee

In the wake of a flush spending season, Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement cuts agency customers a better deal.

Emerging Tech

NASA Hands Elon Musk a Reality Check

A shared effort to deliver NASA astronauts to space recently got a little awkward.


GWACs see steady spending season

The end of the fiscal year saw continued growth at governmentwide acquisition contracts, according to managers.


5G advocates look to spectrum sharing

Federal agencies see increasing opportunity and value in sharing their spectrum, rather than holding on to it.

Emerging Tech

How an Autonomous Self-Assembling Space Robot Could Transform NASA’s Future Missions

The Archinaut One could support NASA’s efforts to reach the moon and Mars—and one day, potentially defend itself in outer space.


GWACs anticipate bump in year end spending over FY2018

One big contract manager said the raised micropurchase limit will likely contribute to a rise in the dollar amount of year-end spending by agencies as fiscal year 2019 draws to a close.


Why GSA buys tech from NASA SEWP

The General Services Administration is the government's hub acquisition, so the agency's IG is wondering why it's buying tech from NASA's big IT contract.

Emerging Tech

IG: NOAA, NASA Launched Next-Gen Satellite With Known Issues, Scrubbed Performance Metrics from Contract

The main instrument of the GOES-R next-generation satellite constellation wasn’t working before launch but officials sent it into space anyway.

Emerging Tech

The Great NASA Bake-Off

High-tech agriculture would keep far-flung astronauts alive, but making something delicious would keep them happy.


NASA’s Moon Plans Rely Heavily on Mobile Tech

CIO Renee Wynn weighed in on how America’s space agency embraces mobility.

Emerging Tech

We Were Promised Moon Cities

It’s been 50 years since Apollo 11 put humans on the surface of the moon. Why didn’t we stay and build a more permanent lunar base? Lots of reasons.