Emerging Tech

Your Smart Toaster Can’t Hold a Candle to the Apollo Computer

Despite what everyone says about the power of modern devices, they’re nowhere near as capable as the landmark early NASA system.

Digital Government

The Watch That Went to the Moon

Fifty years ago, Buzz Aldrin wore his Omega Speedmaster Professional on the lunar surface. It’s been an icon—and a bestseller—ever since.


Panel Dems say spectrum process is 'broken'

A squabble over protecting incumbent federal users in the recently auctioned 24 GHz spectrum points to breakdown in collaborative process, Democrats on the House spectrum panel say.


FAR tweaked in time for fall buying

A small change in the Federal Acquisition Regulation’s language that makes GWAC purchases a little smoother could help out as fall buying season nears.


EIS vendors don't see rush to modernize

The government wants agencies to use the $50 billion, 10- year Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions telecom contract to support IT modernization but in the early stages most customers want to make sure the phones stay on.

Emerging Tech

A Startling Spike on Mars

Methane gas is a potential indicator of life on the red planet, but it’s proving difficult to track.

Emerging Tech

A Robot Has Been Stuck on Mars for Months

NASA will conduct a delicate rescue mission to free a probe trapped just inches below the red planet’s surface.

Digital Government

NASA Managers and Contractors Significantly Lowballed Space Mission Costs, Watchdog Found

Despite cost overruns and schedule delays, the space agency awarded Boeing and Lockheed Martin $200 million in performance awards, GAO noted.


Cyber Weaknesses That Led to Breaches at NASA’s JPL Persist, Says IG

The federally-funded research center is at the forefront of space exploration but continues to struggle with some basic cybersecurity practices.


The True Price of Privatizing Space Travel

As NASA opens up the International Space Station to private astronauts, the romance of space will be within reach for those who can afford it.


NASA Official Credits DHS’ Cyber Tools with Transforming Its Cyber Stance

The space agency has a much better grip on its vast data since it has deployed Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation tech.

Emerging Tech

Senators Urge FCC Not to Use 24GHz Spectrum for 5G

Experts across government are concerned it will disrupt the future of weather forecasting.

Digital Government

What Spy-Satellite Companies Can Teach NASA About Climate Change

The space agency is exploring what three Earth-observation start-ups can teach it about the planet.

Emerging Tech

Scientists Predict Weak Sun Activity During Next Solar Cycle

Low solar activity should mean relatively calm space weather for the next 11 years.


EIS contract announcements brewing

At least three big federal agencies are set to announce contracts under GSA's next-generation telecommunications contract.

Emerging Tech

Why Trump Wants to Go to the Moon So Badly

The administration has vowed to return Americans to the lunar surface in 2024 “by any means necessary.”

Emerging Tech

The Mysterious Exploding Asteroid

A NASA spacecraft reached a space rock and found it orbited by tiny moons—a phenomenon that “has never been seen before in any solar-system object.”