
Navy operations chief puts cloud, networks at center of maritime war strategy

Adm. Mike Gilday, the Chief of Naval Operations, directs senior leaders to incorporate technology to enhance maintenance, training, and warfighting capabilities.


Navy CIO talks innovation, cybersecurity and CMMC

Navy CIO Aaron Weis said DOD's upcoming unified cyber standard will help close the innovation gap by adopting industry standards, but ultimately the onus is on the Defense Department to set the tempo.

Digital Government

DOD data strategy nearing release

Navy chief data officer says the final draft should be out in November, with service-specific implementation plans to follow.


Navy increases OTA use but is wary of too many consortiums

The Navy has ramped up its use of other transaction authorities, according to the deputy assistant secretary for procurement, but must make sure they stay focused on the intended purpose.


Navy research funds could see scrutiny, secretary says

Navy Secretary Richard Spencer warned certain activities could suffer in "constrained" resource environments.


Navy awards $1.4 billion hardware contract

HPI Federal won the Navy's NGEN-R contract, the first piece of the newly divided IT contract for the Navy and Marines.

Digital Government

DIU brings predictive maintenance to the Navy

The Pentagon's innovation arm looks to expand predictive maintenance technology to Navy ships.


Navy elevates CIO role

The Navy is establishing a new special assistant to the secretary for information management/CIO to enforce cybersecurity standards, have a say in IT acquisition and develop data and digital strategies.

Digital Government

Navy cracks down on personal email, social media

The Navy CIO reminded department personnel in a recent memo about govermentwide and service policy covering use of personal communications accounts to conduct official business.


CISA supply chain assessment hits the home stretch

Better data is essential to managing agencies' risk, officials say.

Digital Government

Prescriptive analytics planned for Navy Data Platform

"Data-centricity is key" to smarter supply chain management for the service.


Navy mulls punishment for cyber neglect

The Navy is looking at punitive measures for careless users to get them to take basic cyber hygiene seriously.


DOD closes in on 100 percent Windows 10

The Defense Department is sending the message that it doesn't want to pay for expensive out-of-support operating system solutions.


Navy's business ops plan drills in on modernization

The Navy released its business operations plan for agility and accountability, highlighting cloud and network modernization.