
Navy recognizes electromagnetic battlespace

The Navy announced it has elevated the electromagnetic spectrum to a battlespace domain, joining cyber, land, sea, air and space.

Digital Government

Navy PEO EIS in flux amid wider calls for DOD acquisition reform

The Navy's principal deputy program executive officer explains big changes coming in 2019.


Navy axes CIO office in reorg

Navy Undersecretary Thomas Modly announced his new role as Navy CIO, collapsing the previous office that oversaw IT guidance for the Marine Corps and Navy.


Military looks for ways to bring in cyber talent at better salaries

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) said $37,000 may be sufficient for Hill staffers answering the phone, but is much too low for military cyber specialists.


Service heads quiet on DOD cloud plan

At a D.C. defense policy event, the secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force skirted the issue of the Pentagon's centralized cloud procurement strategy.


Learning to 'fight through the hurt'

Rear Adm. Danelle Barrett wants U.S. cyber forces to be able fight through "Puerto Rico levels" of devastation.


Acting DOD tech chief tapped for DHS CIO post

President Donald Trump selects a longtime DOD tech hand for the DHS CIO job 12 weeks after a New York hedge fund CISO abruptly left the post.


Navy looks to break ground with collaborative IT contracts

By getting ongoing industry input on contracts from industry, the Navy is expecting to save time. Will it work?


Navy delays 2018 NGEN award schedule

The Navy announced a five-month delay in its award schedule for two of its IT contracts to implement a new 'sprint' process.


Military IT chiefs want combat-ready infrastructure

Army CIO Maj. Gen. Peter Gallagher said current DOD networks aren't necessarily what's required for the next conflict.


Navy CIO moving on

Navy Department CIO Robert Foster is leaving his current job to become deputy CIO at the National Credit Union Administration.


Navy makes old signals new again

A new project will bring a 200-year-old seaborne communications technology into the current digital ocean.


Student cyber teams do battle

Student cyber teams from the military academies are doing battle with an NSA-led red cell trying to disable their networks in the NSA's annual Cyber Defense Exercise.


Chiefs: DOD cyber will suffer under a continuing resolution

In the DOD, cyber, modernization, training, recruiting and readiness will all take a hit if Congress passes another continuing resolution rather than a full budget, say the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


New cyber warriors face culture shock

The U.S. military services are scrambling to recruit and train new cyber warriors, but that is also requiring cultural changes in institutions known for order, tradition and stability.


Navy closes in on NGEN recompete

The Navy's Enterprise Networks Program Office will release draft RFP's in the coming months to solicit industry feedback on recompeting the multibillion Next Generation Enterprise Networks contract, expiring next year.


Emily E. Antos

Assistant Program Manager, Engineering Sea Warrior Program, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic, Department of the Navy

Digital Government

DOD service chiefs survey the threat landscape

As the Obama administration nears its end, the service secretaries say technological threats will continue to grow and the DOD must reform how it develops systems and its workforce to keep pace with adversaries.