Emerging Tech

Federal Researchers Create 'Second Skin' to Shield Against Biological Threats

The material shields wearers from chemical and biological agents and could pave the way to smart uniforms for troops and first responders.


Bill Proposes to Incentivize Cybersecurity Innovations With Cash Prizes 

The legislation tries to breathe life into a “moonshot” idea first proposed by tech industry leaders. 

Emerging Tech

GSA Seeks Support for Challenge Sites, Including Potential New Challenge X Lab

The crowdsourcing Challenge.gov and Citizenscience.gov need program support, as does a potential new testbed for agencies.

Digital Government

Defense Innovation Board Director Moves to Google

It’s another sign of the healing relationship between the Defense Department and big tech.


What Federal IT Modernization Leaders Do Best

Modernization is not about just finding solutions that are more cost-efficient and more secure.

Emerging Tech

Air Force Turns Focus to Flying Cars

A virtual conference will kick off the service’s Agility Prime initiative to operationalize flying cars.


The Pandemic Is a Clarion Call to Remove Barriers to Innovation

The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity to put in place solutions that will benefit us all, now and in the future.

Digital Government

The Suite Life

Nextgov chats with federal executives about their role in agencies’ ever-growing C-suites. 

Emerging Tech

Will Flying Cars Help the US Beat China? The Air Force Hopes So.

Service officials say giving American manufacturers first-mover advantage is just as important as the military benefits of vertical-lift buses.

Emerging Tech

DARPA Wants Research on Regrowing Human Organs

The research agency is asking for insight and novel approaches to spark organ regeneration in mammals.

Emerging Tech

Defense Digital Service is Taking Over a Drone and Counter-Drone Development Team

Building and scaling a suite of new drone capabilities is one of the Defense Department’s top priorities, officials said.

Emerging Tech

The Pentagon Is Spending Millions on Hunter Drones With Nets

Shooting drones down over cities isn’t ideal. Nabbing them in midair is an intriguing alternative.

Emerging Tech

AFWERX to Launch Four Challenges to Accelerate Space Innovation

The Air Force’s innovation group is crowdsourcing some of the pain points in the space domain.

Emerging Tech

The VA’s First Chief Innovation Officer Aims to Speed Up the Delivery of Cost-Saving Services

Michael Akinyele’s mission is to find ways to innovate health care delivery and scale it across the enterprise.