Emerging Tech

Energy Department Launches Challenge for Next-Gen Storage Technologies

The agency will coordinate a range of research and development funding opportunities, prizes, partnerships and other activities to meet a set of strategic goals by 2030.

Emerging Tech

DARPA Wants Help Developing a ‘Sea Train’ of Unmanned Warships

The Pentagon’s research arm is looking to produce technologies for a new class of long-distance unmanned surface vessels.  

Artificial Intelligence

The Crazy Government Research Projects You Might've Missed in 2019

Self-aware artificial intelligence, biology-based computers and “smart” surveillance are just a few.

Digital Government

NOAA Contracts With 3 Major Cloud Providers on Big Data Project

More than four years after starting the Big Data Project, NOAA signs with three cloud companies to provide free access to its wealth of data.

Emerging Tech

China Has Increasing Sway in U.S. Science, Defense Report Says

Beijing is using better jobs at home, aggressive intelligence agencies, and a greater financial reach to influence American institutions.

Emerging Tech

How a National Lab is Securing Electric Vehicles and Smart Cars of the Future

At Argonne, a holistic approach is accelerating discoveries and bolstering the fight against emerging transportation threats. 

Emerging Tech

DARPA Wants Smart Suits to Protect Against Biological Attacks

A new program aims to usher in a modern military ensemble that can provide 100% survival against lethal exposure from multiple chemical and biological agents.

Digital Government

How Five Federal Agencies Fostered Innovation

New report showcases initiatives including a procurement lab and virtual internship program. 

Emerging Tech

How VA Gets Innovators to Focus on Veterans’ Challenges 

One event helped a severely injured veteran use a utensil on his own—for the first time in 12 years. 

Emerging Tech

Army Partners with UFO Researchers to Study Active Camouflage and Other Sci-Fi Tech

The partnership will explore metamaterials, quantum communications, beamed energy propulsion and other futuristic tech for use on the military’s ground vehicles.

Emerging Tech

House Committee Votes to Increase Funding for Energy’s DARPA by $2.9B

The House Science, Space and Technology Committee moved a bill to reauthorize ARPA-E with additional funding, as well as new restrictions and oversight.

Digital Government

How the U.S. Census Kickstarted America's Computing Industry

By 1880, the population count had become a mind-numbingly boring, error-prone, clerical exercise of a magnitude rarely seen.

Emerging Tech

The Postal Service is Exploring Big Ideas for Small Drones

Unmanned aircraft could transport packages across tough terrains and inform future initiatives to introduce autonomous vehicles.

Emerging Tech

NavalX Innovation Office Really Wants the Navy to Be More Agile

The office is expanding to more cities and publishing iterative playbooks that are as agile as the gospel they preach.

Artificial Intelligence

The Evolution of Learning Could Boost AI

The evolution of learning could help lay groundwork for better artificial intelligence.


Why Are Scientists So Excited about a Recently Claimed Quantum Computing Milestone?

To understand, we need to go back to conventional, or digital, computers.

Emerging Tech

GAO Center to Educate Congress on the Big Picture of Future Tech

The Center for Strategic Foresight plans to give lawmakers a broad sense of what’s coming in the future.