Digital Government

FCC Approves New Rule To Limit Local Authority In 5G Rollout

Proponents said the order will insure that delivery of faster wireless service occurs in more areas more quickly, but a key opponent called it “extraordinary federal overreach.”

Emerging Tech

Why You’re Probably Getting a Microchip Implant Someday

Microchip implants are going from tech-geek novelty to genuine health tool—and you might be running out of good reasons to say no.

Emerging Tech

Amazon Is Invading Your Home With Micro-Convenience

The company's new line of voice-automated products, including a wall clock and a microwave, could help it amass an enormous database of consumer behavior.

Digital Government

Google's Location Tracking Is Under Investigation

Arizona has its eye on the tech giant and could be imposing fines.

Digital Government

FCC Prepares to Push Forward With Streamlining 5G Deployment

“My guess is they just ran out of time and patience for the process to play out,” said one local government advocate.

Emerging Tech

The Online Gig Economy’s ‘Race to the Bottom’

When the whole world is fighting for the same jobs, what happens to workers?

Digital Government

How Mobile Data Could Help Manage the National Parks

The data could be used to create better park experiences despite overcrowding.