
Coronavirus ‘Shattered the Myth’ that the Defense Workforce Can’t Telework, Official Says

Two Defense Department officials discussed lessons learned from the pandemic with an eye toward a post-coronavirus environment.

Digital Government

Key Lawmaker Alarmed at Increase in COVID-19 Among DHS Employees

The Secret Service alone has seen a 1,000% increase in positive COVID-19 cases, according to the House Committee on Homeland Security.


Nearly 3 in 4 US Moms Were in the Workforce Before the COVID-19 Pandemic – Is that Changing?

The ability to telework makes it at least feasible to keep an eye on children on weekdays.


Rethinking the Workplace Through and Beyond COVID-19

Managers can adapt their offices to support safe reopening while achieving longer-term goals.

Digital Government

New Legislation Would Increase Oversight Over Agency Relocations

Measure would require federal officials to conduct detailed cost-benefit analyses and provide them to inspectors general and the public for review before undertaking any effort to move federal agencies.


To Find Success, Practice a Strategic Mindset

Strategic behaviors translate into faster task performance.


Amid COVID-19, Government Seeks Virtual Summer Interns

Virtual internships with the government are a possibility for students.


The Psychology of Being a Better Ally in the Office – and Beyond

Although white people, particularly men, are less likely to be punished for pushing anti-racism, they often shy away from it.


VA Launches Digital COVID-19 Screening App for Patients and Employees

The answers can help staff direct individuals to the appropriate parts of the facility or if needed, additional screening.

Digital Government

Intelligence Authorization Would Add to Due Process Rules for Security Clearance Reviews

Also new in the bill is a provision allowing the government to share negative information about contractors with their companies.


How COVID-19 Could Change the Makeup of the Federal Workforce 

CISA director sees an opportunity to seize on increased remote work to make the cybersecurity community more diverse.


The Death of the Open-Plan Office? Not Quite, but a Revolution is in the Air

The open-plan office will have to evolve, though, finding its true purpose as a collaborative work space augmented by remote work.


Back Pain: 4 Ways to Fix Bad Lockdown Posture – By Copying Astronauts

Common poor desk posture is actually very similar to the posture astronauts adopt during spaceflight in zero-gravity.


DHS Insider Threat Program Expanding to Anyone Who Accesses Agency Info

The Homeland Security Department will begin tracking all personnel—federal employees and contractors, with or without a security clearance—in the hunt for insider threats.