Artificial Intelligence

3 Bills Focused on Securing Tech Superiority Over China 

Lawmakers aim to beef up the government’s tech prowess and put protections on American intellectual property and talent. 

Emerging Tech

3 Ways to Hire More Tech Talent

Want to hack a satellite? Come work for the Defense Department, one of its leading talent officials said.

Digital Government

VA, CFPB Solicit Partners to Conduct Diversity-Focused Training

Several solicitations have been launched for inclusivity-centered services in recent weeks.

Digital Government

More than 60% of Recent Federal Employee Hires Left Within Two Years

Government should better track retention data to determine why employees, particularly disabled employees, leave at such a high rate, watchdog finds.

Digital Government

Federal Tech Leaders Outline How Agencies Need to Adapt to the Changing Workforce

Old hiring methods and assumptions won’t hold up in the future, according to a new report from the Federal CIO Council.

Digital Government

Federal Agencies Have Spent Millions on KN95 Masks, Often Without Knowing Who Made Them

Some experts worry that the products could remain in circulation long past the crisis and be used by unsuspecting federal employees who believe they have legitimate respirator masks.


Bringing Lessons from Remote Work Back to the Office

A lot of people aren't going to want to return to their pre-pandemic commuter lives—and many won’t. Organizations will have to adjust.

Digital Government

See Which Agencies Are Bringing Employees Back to the Office

As states lift stay-home orders, many federal offices are reopening. Here is a roundup.


Army Grounds Two Pilots Who Flew Low Over DC

Active duty soldiers in the nation’s capital will also be returning home.


Managing User Access Is a Crucial Step in Securing Federal Organizations

Agencies must make sure they leave no security gaps when employees join or leave.

Digital Government

Federal Managers Should Model Self-Care for Their Employees

Government officials offered tips for managing workplaces during unusually stressful times.


As Telework Becomes the New Normal, Take 6 Steps to Reap the Benefits

This experience and rapid transition illustrated that telework can work, presenting an opportunity to attract and retain geographically dispersed talent.

Digital Government

Agencies Start Reopening Offices, Though Approaches Vary

VA, EPA and IRS are among the agencies bringing employees back to their offices despite worker anxieties.

Digital Government

Defense Companies Scramble to Make Virtual Internships Work

Despite the economic crisis, the industry has too much to do, and not enough people to do it.

Digital Government

Federal Advisory Group Finds Feds Are Paid 26.71% Less than Private Sector Counterparts

In their annual report, members of the Federal Salary Council recommend updates to datasets used in determining a region’s eligibility to become a locality pay area.