
How to Build a Corporate Learning Program to Support Veterans in the Workplace

Organizations need to develop training and reskilling programs, so veterans have the tools necessary to excel professionally and personally.


DHS Wants to Expand the Reach of Its Critical Infrastructure Cyber Training

The department wants to be able to provide cyber training webinars to 5,000 simultaneous users.

Digital Government

What Democrats Winning the House Means for Federal Employees

The (likely) next oversight chairman promises more accountability for the Trump administration.

Digital Government

Agencies That Cut Telework Took a Beating in Annual Employee Survey

Drops in employee happiness corresponded with shifts in opinions on the agencies' telework policies.


Proposed Rule Would Let Agencies Bypass OPM to Fill Critical IT Positions

Agency leaders would be able to determine if they face a critical shortage and issue the hiring authority without prior approval from the Office of Personnel Management.


It’s Time to Tackle the Problem of Unapproved Cloud Apps to Keep your Agency Secure

Employees may not realize they're doing anything wrong but these potential leaks still need to be plugged.


Defense Digital Service, Army Open New Cyber Training Center Dubbed Tatooine

The new collaboration space will be used to pilot new solutions and help train and retain future cyber soldiers.


It’s Time to Organize Volunteer Hackers, Think Tank Says

The Civilian Cyber Corps would be modeled on the Civil Air Patrol and volunteer firefighters.


Survey: Federal Managers Support CDM More Than Implementers

Tech implementers are far less likely to consider the Homeland Security Department’s cyber program effective than their managers—either in its current or final form.

Digital Government

OMB Announces Permanent U.S. Digital Service Leadership

The roles will now have two-year term limits and will no longer be presidential appointees.


CYBERCOM Seeks an Integrator for its Cyber Training Environment

The integrator will pull together disparate parts of the cyber training environment being built by other contractors.


Insider Threats Are Alive and Well. Take These 6 Steps to Reduce Risk.

The recent sentencing of a National Security Agency analyst shows agencies need to remain vigilant.