Digital Government

Pentagon to Young Techies: We Want You (To Come Work for Government)

The Defense Department is trying new methods of engagement to recruit young tech talent.


Global Cyber Workforce Shortage Mirrors Government’s Struggle

The lack of qualified cyber workers outpaces concerns about budget and resources for a large share of the cyber workforce.

Digital Government

Is Turning Off Your Notifications the Ultimate Productivity Hack?

Periodic pings about the recent past can be the enemy of staying in the present.

Emerging Tech

GSA’s Tech Teams Increasingly Important to Administration’s Tech Priorities

18F and the Technology Transformation Services face a more certain future than just two years ago.

Digital Government

Report: Agencies Still Don't Write In Understandable Language

Employee turnover could be one of the reasons for an increase in jargon on agency websites.

Artificial Intelligence

DHS Employees Form Grassroots Community of Interest Around Artificial Intelligence

After a well-attended kickoff meeting this summer, the budding AI community of interest is looking at how best to grow.


DHS Research Wing Remains Vulnerable to Insider Threats

A six-month review found employees and contractors could undermine mission-critical systems.


DHS Digital Service is Taking Paper Out of the Immigration Process

The Digital Service works side by side with agency employees to tackle some of their most backlogged processes.

Emerging Tech

DHS Restructures Research Office to Meet Emerging Threats Head On

The new structure will also keep the office from working on projects that will never see the light of day.

Artificial Intelligence

The Coders Programming Themselves Out of a Job

When workers automate their own duties, who should reap the benefits?