
DNSsec deadline looms

A requirement for all agencies to apply a security fix to their Web sites by the end of the year might catch some agencies by surprise.


Federal 100 winner: Matthew P. Barrett

Matthew Barrett leads the NIST team that operates SCAP, the National Vulnerability Database, the National Checklist Program and the SCAP Laboratory Accreditation program.


NIST creates cloud-computing team

The team will identify possible risks to federal agencies that use the emerging technology and determine how to make it secure, a NIST official said.


Senate to vote on Stimulus cut for IT

Sens. Nelson and Collins are promoting an amendment that would cut $83 billion from the stimulus package, including reductions in major IT items.

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Digital Government

NIST calls for research on innovative technology

NIST is collecting reports on topics such as alternative energy, personal medicine and nanotechnology before awarding funding through the Technology Innovation Program.


Experts: Enterprise architecture key to IT security

The availability of malware on the Web is creating new security challenges, they say.