
White House tees up cyber labeling policy

A 2020 law could provide some legal cover for executive orders regulating software and IoT cybersecurity, but new legislation could be required.


Biden signs Rescue bill, boosting TMF and adding pandemic leave for feds

The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act was signed into law on Thursday. In addition to a massive influx of funding to support Americans harmed by the economic fallout of the pandemic, there is funding available for IT modernization and provision to help the federal workforce cope with COVID-19.


House passes Rescue package with TMF funding

The $1.9 trillion bill is aimed at Americans suffering financial hardships from the pandemic, but in the federal IT community, the bill will be remembered for the dramatic expansion of the Technology Modernization Fund.


Martorana to take over as federal CIO

The OPM tech chief is moving to the White House to lead civilian federal IT policy.

Digital Government

TMF set to receive $1B infusion in COVID relief bill

Former federal IT leaders told FCW that the boost for the Technology Modernization Fund is welcome, but the big money may necessitate process changes.


No new OMB pick yet, White House says

In her daily briefing, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that Shalanda Young could serve as budget director on an acting basis if confirmed as deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget.


OMB orders agencies to stop enforcing Trump's diversity training purge

A recent OMB memo tells agencies to remove contracting clauses related to Trump's diversity training executive order.


With Tanden out, top House Dems push Young for budget director

The House Speaker her and top lieutenants are pressing for the nomination of Shalanda Young to lead the Office of Management and Budget.


Tanden out as OMB director nominee

After weeks of controversy, the Biden administration's pick to lead the Office of Management and Budget withdrew her name from consideration.


OMB deputy nominee appears to have an easy confirmation ahead

While Neera Tanden's nomination to lead the Office of Management and Budget is in peril, it looks like Shalanda Young will have an smooth path to confirmation as the agency's number two official.


Biden team pledges help for 'damaged' federal workforce

Pam Coleman, the director for performance management at the Office of Management and Budget, said that, "each week we seem to uncover more damage" done to the federal workforce under the Trump administration.


Tanden's bid to lead OMB in doubt as Senate committees postpone votes

Democratic defections could hand President Biden his first rejection of a cabinet pick.


Manchin's opposition could sink OMB nominee

President Biden's pick of Neera Tanden's to head the Office of Management and Budget is in peril after a powerful centrist Democrat has announced his plan to vote no on the nomination.


Industry presses for tech funding in COVID relief amid Senate opposition

Several industry groups sent a letter to lawmakers last week urging them to include $10 billion for cybersecurity in the next coronavirus relief bill, however congressional backers of a tech push in the relief bill say that Senate opposition makes a big push unlikely to pass.


Tech and tweets: Tanden talks policy and social media on Capitol Hill

President Biden's nominee for OMB director came under fire during her hearing for mean tweets aimed at Republican lawmakers. "I regret the language," she said.


Biden taps campaign veteran for federal CISO job

Chris DeRusha, who led information security on the Biden campaign, is the federal government's new chief information security officer.


OMB lays out new COVID health and safety guidelines for feds

New safety protocols have the potential to remake physical workspaces to promote distancing during the pandemic.

Digital Government

Biden charts governmentwide 'equity agenda'

The OMB director and the head of the Domestic Policy Council will play key roles in implementing the objectives of a new executive order, which eliminates a Trump-era purge of diversity training materials and include the creation of a new data working group .


For feds, mask mandate, diversity training reversal on Day 1 of Biden presidency

President Joe Biden is expected to reverse a raft of Trump-era federal workforce policy, but some executive actions will take time.


Biden-Harris team taps DDM, OSTP director

Biden's Cabinet will be the first to include a "Presidential Science Advisor," Dr. Eric Lander, who Biden nominated to serve as OSTP director.