
Biden floats $9B boost to TMF as part of funding surge

The incoming Biden-Harris administration announced a $1.9 trillion "rescue" package to help Americans whose incomes have taken a hit from the pandemic, which includes a major uptick in technology spending to secure government systems and spur modernization.


Bipartisan House bill would block Schedule F conversions

The bill is the latest of several legislative attempts to block an executive order that could remake parts of the civil service into at-will employees.


OPM succession shuffle sparks Schedule F concerns

Experts worry that an executive order with the potential to politicize the civil service could do lasting damage, even if rescinded by the incoming Biden administration.


Pandemic pivots at State, FCC

The necessary wave of IT adaptation to the pandemic showed federal CIOs and agencies they could move quickly and efficiently to modernize.


Leadership push needed in category management, GAO finds

Although the governmentwide category management initiative is saving agencies billions, it could be even more effective with some higher-level guidance, according to a Government Accountability Office report.


House chairs seek 'full accounting' of Schedule F conversions

The lawmakers requested information about any political appointees given civil service positions and about any positions converted to the new personnel category created by President Trump.


OMB seeks to reclassify workforce under Schedule F

The agency is gearing up to make 88% of its positions subject to at-will employment.


New bill looks to tighten cybersecurity waivers for civilian agencies

Two democratic lawmakers introduced legislation to increase oversight on waivers for cybersecurity measures at civilian agencies across the federal government.


Senate passes IoT cybersecurity bill

The legislation mandates minimum security requirements on internet of things devices bought by the federal government.


OPM aide tapped as next federal CIO

The chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management is taking over the top federal tech job for the last days of the Trump administration.


18 state AGs call to end Trump's crackdown on diversity training

In a letter, 18 state attorneys general and the AG from the District of Columbia say that a recent executive order on diversity training is having "opposite effect" of its stated goal of preventing discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity or sex.


White House plans to fast-track restrictions on contractor diversity training

The fast-track deviation clause, designed to support the Nov. 21 rollout of new restrictions on diversity and inclusion training for federal agencies and contractors, is expected to be followed quickly by a Federal Acquisition Regulation rulemaking case.


Tech groups slam Trump's diversity training executive order

The pushback comes as the Labor Department tries to explain what the memo does and does not allow with regard to diversity training.


Eliminating acquisition friction

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy is focused on eliminating barriers to faster procurement, said its leader.


Trump's diversity training purge becomes a debate topic

At the first presidential debate, Donald Trump said that he had ordered trainings on race and gender sensitivity training canceled because the curriculum is "racist". His opponent countered saying, "he's the racist."


New federal CIO, CISO on tap

The White House is planning to name two officials to senior tech posts with a possible change of administration looming.


A call for visionary investment

Investing in IT modernization is not an either-or proposition, Rep. Connolly writes. This pandemic has presented Congress a choice: We can put our head in the sand and pretend these failures didn't happen, or we can take action to be prepared for the future.


Shared services poised for adoption

Quality Service Management Offices shared service offerings move closer to reality for federal agencies.


House votes for new rules on federal IOT acquisition

Legislation from congressional tech stalwarts would add security requirements for connected devices purchased by the federal government.


Tax deferral plan steams ahead

Despite opposition in Congress and skepticism from employee unions, the administration is going ahead with a mandatory tax deferral scheme for federal employees and the uniformed military.