
Senators seek GAO probe of hiring-freeze effects

Two senators are urging Congress's investigative arm to probe any adverse effects of President Trump's hiring freeze.


OPM issues how-to guide for layoffs

Following the White House's proposed budget cuts, the Office of Personnel Management issued guidance for agency heads on how to handle potential workforce reductions.


Does the SES have a future under Trump?

Former feds believe investing in the senior executive service is the most effective path to reform, but calls by Trump advisers for a rollback of government could deter senior administrators from buying in.


Security clearance process still slow, but more secure

OPM's National Background Investigations Bureau has made significant progress in securing its systems and data, but the security clearance backlog persists, a House panel finds.


OPM explains the hiring freeze

The Office of Personnel Management released guidance explaining what is and isn't covered by the hiring freeze. There are more exceptions than one might think.


Obama wraps up security clearance reforms

In a last-minute executive order, President Obama institutes structural reforms to the security clearance process designed to create a more unified system across government agencies.


White House honors federal workforce

The White House honored federal employees by recognizing the range of achievements and the ways the workforce has influenced how government operates by leveraging technology over the past eight years


Cyber, contracting, HR experts join Trump agency teams

The Trump transition team names former OPM and DHS officials to GSA, DHS landing teams.


OPM freezes SES hiring

The Office of Personnel Management has put a hiring freeze on most Senior Executive Service positions to take effect Dec. 7, the same day President Obama has asked political appointees to hand in their resignations.


IG: OPM falling short on FISMA requirements

The latest audit by OPM's inspector general says the agency is regressing in its compliance with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act.


The latest trends for federal telework

The Office of Personnel Management's annual report shows how agencies are measuring and managing telework -- and where better data is still needed.


White House makes final push to streamline federal hiring

The directors of OMB and OPM sent a memo to federal agencies with three objectives for improving their hiring processes.


ID protection to expire for more than 100,000 OPM hack victims

About 100,000 to 150,000 feds whose sensitive information was stolen in the OPM hack will have to re-enroll if they want to retain the compensatory identity protection coverage offered by OPM after Dec. 1.


OPM plans new work-life survey

The Office of Personnel Management will conduct a governmentwide survey to measure workplace flexibility as part of its efforts to attract and keep talented feds.


GAO wants better payroll data from OPM

The Office of Personnel Management's payroll and workforce data is unreliable and needs to be made more available for use by other agencies, according to a government watchdog.


Modest gains for most agencies in job satisfaction

OPM released agency-by-agency results from the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, and most agencies improved.


Administration appoints first head of NBIB

The National Background Investigations Bureau announced the appointment of its first director as the agency prepares to take over processing government background checks.


Obama nominates new OPM IG

A State Department watchdog has been selected to lead internal oversight at the Office of Personnel Management.

Digital Government

Chaffetz wants CyTech to get paid for OPM work

The cyber vendor on the ground when the OPM hack was first discovered has a powerful legislator backing his claims that the government owes him money.