
Chaffetz details where OPM went wrong, warns about future

The House oversight committee's Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) delivered an indictment of OPM's security and the protracted federal procurement process.

Digital Government

Optimism, reservations over NBIB

The National Background Investigations Bureau is set to launch on Oct.1 and faces a daunting task of improving the security clearance process.

Digital Government

Lawmakers want the latest on new background check agency

Two Democratic lawmakers have asked OPM for a progress report on the planned National Background Investigations Bureau.


OPM hire means top detailees go back to their real jobs

The two top-level IT officials who were detailed to positions outside their agencies while OPM was between full-time CIOs will return to their regularly scheduled programming.


OPM on the hunt for deputy CIO

Newly appointed OPM CIO David De Vries has already started the search for a deputy.


White House raises caps on performance bonuses for senior feds

Senior Executive Service members and other senior feds could see larger performance bonuses, thanks to a shift in personnel policy.


How the Pentagon can help federal buying power

The Defense Department’s plan to stand up IT for a background check bureau could be a model for civilian-DOD cooperation.


DOD deputy CIO to lead IT at OPM

David De Vries will take over IT at the Office of Personnel Management, as the human resources agency prepares to stand up a new background check bureau.


GAO: More data needed on costs and benefits of telework

The government watchdog wants OPM to track the savings associated with telework and provide guidance for agencies to quantify the costs and benefits.


White House accelerates cyber hiring

The federal government is looking to add 3,500 more cyber and IT workers by January 2017.

Digital Government

House bill funds OPM's IT modernization

Lawmakers recognize the importance of OPM's IT infrastructure overhaul, but also the pitfalls the project has run into in the past.


Tech help wanted at OPM

The agency at the center of last summer's breach is officially looking for a new CIO.


Cummings nixes theory that contractor discovered OPM breach

More than a year after the massive hack, a senior lawmaker has determined that the OPM breach was not, in fact, detected by a small business doing a product demonstration.

Digital Government

IG: OPM still lacking in planning for IT overhaul

The report is the latest in a series of scathing assessments of the Office of Personnel Management's IT practices from the agency's inspector general.

Digital Government

Senators want details on new background check bureau

Two Democrats with oversight responsibilities are asking OPM for specifics about its transition and reorganization plans for a new bureau formed to handle background checks.


OPM: Contractor's departure will not affect operations

Imperatis had been awarded a crucial contract to carry out the Shell modernization project for OPM. The firm has quit due to "financial distress," according to OPM.


OPM's sensitive data on feds still not encrypted

More than a year after the hack of federal personnel systems was revealed, the Office of Personnel Management is still unable to encrypt personal data on 4 million federal employees.


Can investigators reverse engineer insider threats?

The idea is to use past insider threat incidents to stitch together profiles of future rogue employees.


Why OPM is prioritizing higher education for feds

A new training push might be equipping feds with skills that could help them jump to the private sector, but one leader says that's okay.


A year after the OPM breach, one cyber vendor is still looking for answers

CyTech Services, the veteran-owned small business that may have played a significant role in discovering the OPM hack a year ago, says it's never been paid for that work.