
Why USAJobs needs an overhaul

A Senate roundtable examined the deficiencies of the USAJobs website and offered solutions to modernize the federal government's HR front door.

Digital Government

OPM wants to fold deep web, social media into background checks

As a new security clearance agency develops, OPM's background checkers are seeking automated tools to review a variety of web-accessible information sources.


Cobert names team for building National Background Investigations Bureau

Acting Office of Personnel Management director says the transition team "is a key milestone in what will be a long, inter-agency process."


CIO shuffle: Senior tech leaders detailed to OPM, OMB

Deputy CIOs at DHS and OMB detailed to temporary positions, as part of a move to fill an IT leadership gap at the Office of Personnel Management.


Senator blocks vote on Cobert's OPM nomination

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) is blocking Beth Cobert's nomination to lead the Office of Personnel Management because of unanswered questions about how Congress is covered by the Affordable Care Act.

Digital Government

USAJobs update offers tracking to job applicants

OPM released improvements to the federal government's job portal that are aimed at making the application process easier.


Embattled OPM CIO steps down

Departing OPM CIO Donna Seymour had been under intense pressure to deliver on crucial IT projects in the wake of the hack of OPM that exposed the personal data of at least 22 million Americans.


IG details OPM contractor's security flaws

KeyPoint Government Solutions, which intruders used to hack the Office of Personnel Management, lacked a formal incident response plan and controls on unauthorized devices, according to the agency's IG.


IG says law bars Cobert from leading OPM on acting basis

OPM IG Patrick McFarland said in a memo to Beth Cobert that under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, "any actions taken by you since the date of your nomination are void and may not be subsequently ratified."


OPM needs data management for background checks

On the cusp of absorption by a brand-new agency, Federal Investigative Services is searching for electronic records support.


OPM hack looms over Cobert confirmation hearing

Acting OPM Director Beth Cobert said she is committed to working with Congress on modernizing IT, but lawmakers raised concerns about the agency's apparent inability to turn over requested documents.


Chaffetz subpoenas OPM's Cobert

Demand for more documents on the 2015 data breach comes on the eve of the acting director's confirmation hearing.


OPM IG McFarland to step down

Patrick McFarland, the longest-serving Inspector General in government, will resign this month after monitoring OPM for two-and-a-half decades.


OPM status page is the place to be during the blizzard

In the aftermath of a historic snowstorm, traffic on OPM's Current Status page soared as federal workers checked to see whether their offices were open.


White House announces new agency to handle federal background checks

OPM will house the new National Background Investigations Bureau, but the new agency's IT and cybersecurity work will be handled by the Defense Department.


OPM adds new cyber education program for feds and families

The federal government is looking to fill its own cybersecurity needs by offering discounted online degree programs.


Exclusive: What DHS and the FBI learned from the OPM breach

"Convenience and accessibility has been prioritized over critical security practices," at OPM, according to a Dec. 23 alert distributed to cleared contractors by the Defense Security Service on behalf of DHS and the FBI.


OPM COO resigns

Angela Bailey has been at the center of an organization under intense pressure to improve its cyber defense following the large-scale hack affecting millions of federal employees that OPM revealed last June.

Digital Government

What's coming from FedRAMP, 18F and USAJobs

GSA's Phaedra Chrousos discussed a wide range of possible revamps at a recent gathering of contract professionals.