Emerging Tech

Lawmakers Debate Government Sanctioned Digital Currency

Fed Board of Governors Vice Chair Lael Brainard said stablecoins could work with CBDCs, but focus will shift to research and cybersecurity protections.


$756M still left in TMF, but not for long

The administration plans to exhaust the $1 billion addition to the Technology Modernization Fund made under last year’s American Rescue Plan Act by the end of the current fiscal year.

Digital Government

$756M Still Left in TMF, But Not For Long

The administration plans to exhaust the $1 billion addition to the Technology Modernization Fund made under last year’s American Rescue Plan Act by the end of the current fiscal year.


Senate Homeland Clears Bill to Avoid Conflicts of Interest in Federal Contracting

A hearing the committee held leading up to the bill’s markup focused on a shortage of procurement officials in the federal workforce, which an industry witness said could be addressed if it weren’t for inflexible ethics rules.


Senate Report Highlights Lack of Government Data on Ransomware Payments

A new report details the role cryptocurrencies play in incentivizing ransomware attacks and the government’s response.

Digital Government

Senior GOP Senator Asked Watchdog to Report After ‘Whistleblower’ Action at IRS

The request of the watchdog agency followed the release of confidential information leading to a detailed news report of how the mega rich avoid paying taxes.

Digital Government

Nuclear Agency Needs to Improve Evaluation of Research Portfolio

The National Nuclear Security Administration is otherwise following leading practices for managing federal research and development funding.


DOD isn't meeting some of the cybersecurity standards it set for contractors

A recent Government Accountability Office report highlighted that the Defense Department wasn't meeting all of the requirements it sets for contractors when it comes to protecting sensitive, unclassified information.


National Cyber Director's Vision for the Future Flags Overdue National Plan

The office of the national cyber director is tasked by Congress to weigh in on agencies’ cybersecurity budgets.


GAO: Defense Department Isn’t Doing Enough to Protect Sensitive Information

Federal cybersecurity has been on the Government Accountability Office’s High Risk list since 1997.

Emerging Tech

NIST Report Documents Success In Commerce’s Technology Transfer Initiative

A new report showcases how three federal agencies submitted technology research—like patents and papers—that can have a mainstream impact.

Digital Government

DHS manipulated report on Russian election interference during the Trump administration, watchdog says

A 2020 report to state and local governments was delayed and altered, a new IG report finds.


GAO: VA’s Multibillion-Dollar Financial System Overhaul Needs Hard Goals

User satisfaction seems to be rising with new deployments but auditors say it’s hard to measure using current metrics.


Report Finds Identity Fraud Up 167% In USPS Change Of Address Requests

The USPS Office of the Inspector General recommends stricter identity verification controls online, while management disagrees.

Digital Government

Warren Presses Defense Secretary on Wasteful Contractor Spending

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said adding to the Pentagon's topline for 2023 to account for inflation would just invite "defense contractors to pick taxpayers' pockets."


GAO Promotes Need for Public-Private ‘Partnerships’ in Cybersecurity Policy

A Government Accountability Office official says the watchdog agency consulted with private sector entities in producing a report of 12 areas it’s planning to focus on in the next decade.

Digital Government

Data Key to Ensuring Pandemic Funding Accuracy

A new GAO report advocates enhanced data collection and analysis to ensure federal pandemic relief funding goes to the right place.


There's no final number yet for pandemic fraud, oversight leaders tell Congress

Total fraud levels in pandemic relief programs are upwards of $100 billion, but getting a clear estimate is made difficult by data gaps and ongoing fraud recovery efforts, officials said at a Senate hearing.