Digital Government

Native American Health Agencies Struggled to Access Federal Data Amid Pandemic

A new report outlines the steps health agencies, including the CDC and IHS, need to improve tribal epidemiological centers’ access to public health data.


Federal Agencies Take Mitigating Steps To Protect Internet Infrastructure

A new report examines public agency practices to prevent the exploitation of vulnerabilities within the modern internet framework.

Emerging Tech

FTC, Justice Say Weight Watchers Parent Group Illegally Collected Child Health Data

Federal prosecutors filed a complaint against children’s weight loss app Kurbo, alleging it collected health data without parental consent in an effort to market weight management services for use by children.

Digital Government

Cost Overruns and Delays for OPM's Trust Fund Modernization

OPM is working to modernize the legacy financial system that manages retirement, health benefits and life insurance programs, but it's behind schedule and over budget.


Scarce Radio Frequency Spectrum Requires More Modern IT, Watchdog Finds

A new report documents the information technology upgrades that need to be addressed within federal agencies to support radio-frequency usage and sharing.


GAO Audit Again Shines Light on Problems in VA’s Health Records Rollout

The audit found that data quality and stakeholder engagement were two key issues with the rollout.


Audit: Labor Department Information Security Program ‘Not Effective’

Auditors made 18 recommendations to remediate some of the agency’s longstanding issues.

Digital Government

Watchdog: HUD Disaster Relief Could Use Better Data Collection, Analysis

A GAO report found one of HUD’s aid programs could be more efficient if more accurate demographic information is harvested and referenced prior to distributing funds.


Watchdog Finds IT Scorecards Effective In Monitoring Federal Modernization Efforts

A new report highlights the benefits FITARA grading has had on modernizing tech within the government, despite recent failing grades. 


New FITARA Grades Show Agencies Failing to Transition Off Legacy Networking Services 

But agencies got all As on data center optimization, suggesting it may be time to retire or update that metric.

Digital Government

Former Homeland Security Acting Inspector General Pleads Guilty To Data Theft

Charles Edwards pleaded guilty to two federal charges of stealing government software and personnel data.


Former DHS acting IG pleads guilty in software scheme

A former acting top watchdog at the Department of Homeland Security pleaded guilty in a scheme to steal case management software from multiple federal agencies in order to create a new system to sell back to the government.


SBA faces fraud risks and IT security woes, IG says

The Small Business Administration has struggled to cope with an onslaught of potentially fraudulent activity within its direct lending programs spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, Inspector General Hannibal Ware testified to the House Small Business Committee.

Digital Government

Native American Advocates Discuss Barriers To Broadband Before Senate

A Senate Committee hearing focused on the digital divide in rural tribal areas, and where federal programs are falling short.


House FISMA Reform Would Empower Federal CISO With Budgeting Authority

Corresponding Senate legislation doesn’t mention the federal chief information security officer but shares other key elements—including a shorter incident reporting window—with a discussion draft issued by the House Oversight and Reform Committee.


MSPB passes five-year mark without a quorum

Without a quorum on the Merit Systems Protection Board, the board is unable to issue decisions for appeals, leaving thousands in limbo and a critical part of the civil service system non-functional.

Digital Government

Can Project Maven help shape acquisition policy?

The DOD's inspector general found that the lack of a formal documentation process for acquisition metrics and procedures could prevent future growth of Project Maven and similar projects.


Can Project Maven help shape acquisition policy?

The DOD's inspector general found that the lack of a formal documentation process for acquisition metrics and procedures could prevent future growth of Project Maven and similar projects.


GAO uses uses covert testing scheme to assess SBA screening processes

The Government Accountability Office sent applications from four fake firms to the Small Business Administration's 8(a) program to see whether SBA had made progress addressing long-standing oversight issues.