
Military to turn more officers into acquisition

Provisions of a new law require the Defense Department to recast acquisition as an exciting career field to attract the best officers.


Letter: Limits to cost-plus contracting not a solution to limit waste

A reader writes about eliminating cost-plus contracting, "It certainly generated a buzz within our community, and that is good because it means many recall that history has shown us that this is not a good way to go."


DOD’s tips on past performance

Despite its spotty record on collecting past-performance information, the Defense Department gives its acquisition workforce some important insights in that area.


Performance: Past is prologue

A company’s track record can count for a lot in future contracts — if federal agencies know what it is.


OPM pulls plug on $290 million RetireEZ contract

The agency will continue retirement modernization activities in business process improvement and data standardization.


DHS to hold industry day on cyber initiative

DHS plans to hold a vendor day to give industry an overview of what the department will be seeking as it implements its parts of the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative.


GAO reveals new authority over protests

Congress has given GAO the power to rule on protests of agencies' task and delivery orders, which were once off limits for the auditing agency.


Reader comment roundup: Contracting, RetireEZ, Bluetooth-based boarding passes

Our readers have a lot to say about our articles. Here is a recent collection of comments.


Letter: McCain, industry have different views on contract use

A reader writes, "The reason for the majority of the cost escalations are the result of specification and performance upgrades that become possible during the performance of the contract."


Letter: Top-down leadership, inspiration needed

A reader writes, "I hope the next administration will provide both the leadership at the top we lack and the resources we need to make sure that the taxpayer gets a return on their tax dollars."


Klossner: We're here! We're here! We're here!



FCW Insider: Transition hobbled by FISMA?



Burton: Past performance, future results

Agencies should make better use of information on contractors’ previous work, but it starts with better records.


Panel proposes new approach to pricing products

Experts are seeking to end the price-reduction clause and create a new way of ensuring fair prices.


Interior, GSA plan on geospatial BPA

Official aim to save money, ease operations through the Geospatial Line of Business.


Defense authorization bill becomes law

President signs a bill that reforms contracting and rebuilds the acquisition workforce.


DARPA seeks technology for seeing inside buildings

Project aims to develop several technologies, not a single comprehensive solution.


Mistakes cost GSA time, money, auditor says

GSA's problems with how it handled the Alliant, Alliant SB contracts forced a do-over.


GAO criticizes HSIN Next Gen management

GAO says DHS needs to address management deficiencies in its next-generation platform for sharing homeland security information with state and local authorities.


GSA sees agencies buying more via online shops

As agencies go to the Web, officials aim to use that information for price-checks.