
Letter: McCain should know better

A reader writes that fixed-price contracts are lead to zero technological progress.


Letter: Cost-plus contracting is not the problem

A reader writes that the government's incomplete requirements at the beginning of contract bidding is a problem.


Letter: A fixed price is not the best solution

A reader writes that Sen. John McCain's proposal to end cost-plus contracting is not the best solution for controlling government spending.


Letter: McCain proposal a red herring

A reader writes that Sen. McCain's proposal to end cost-plus contracting would increase costs.


IBM Center publishes presidential transition guides

One handbook is aimed at senior management, while another is billed as a guide for government executives.


DISA seeks state-of-the-art security assessment services

DOD is open to buying a solution through a software-as-a-service or managed services approach.


Letter: New GSA office will create more problems than it solves

A reader writes that GSA's MAS Program Office creates another level of bureaucracy.


Letter: No such thing as 'no-bid contract'

A reader writes to say there is no such thing as a no-bid contract.


Panel to recommend rolling back pricing clause

MAS panel said other forms of pricing checks make the price reduction clause obsolete.


Bill would tighten task-order rules governmentwide

The legislation requires the government to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation within one year of the bill’s passage to reflect the new policy.


GSA adds schedules oversight office

Divided among several offices, schedules program could go in different directions.


Buzz of the Week: McCain and cost-plus contracting

Sen. McCain's proposal to trim federal government spending by switching to fixed-price contracts touched a nerve in the federal community.


Letter: Several readers say McCain lacks understanding on contracts issue

Readers don't agree with ending the use of cost-plus contracts, question McCain's knowledge on contracts and, the readers tell us why we need these contracts.


A roundup of reader letters

Readers respond to recent articles.


Letter: Ending cost-plus contracts takes away a resource

A reader writes that ending cost-plus contracting will make it more difficult for agencies to do their jobs.


Letter: In contracts, it's about defining goals

One reader offers a solution that doesn't mean using cost-plus contracts but looks at contract management.


Letter: Cost-plus contracts have a role

A reader writes that there are good uses for cost-plus contracts.


Companies show mix of competitive, noncompetitive contracts

Government information shows individual contractors have a mixed record on competition.


Competition eludes easy fixes

Competition for federal contracts has become a political hot button but still defies a quick solution.


FCW's The Week

Find links to articles in the Oct. 6, 2008, issue and related items.