
What do schedules contract users think?

General Services Administration has some questions for federal customers.


GSA short on customer input

MAS advisory panel seeks more feedback from agencies.


Editorial: The importance of IT

A governmentwide CIO could help the next administration tap into innovation at the grass-roots level.


MAS panel wants more feedback

Advisory group is asking more GSA customers to share thoughts on schedule pricing and practices.


Bill would defer award fees from DHS

Rep. Thompson's measure would direct the Homeland Security Department to ensure contractors do their work before they get extra money in award fees.


Are schedule prices a good deal?

Members of the Multiple Award Schedule Advisory Panel have narrowed their attention to five areas.


GSA leadership shuffle dominates water-cooler talk

It seems likely that the General Services Administration will soon have a new leader.


OFPP's two new policy requirements

Two requirements become effective Oct. 1 and Nov. 3.


OFPP offers new guidelines to improve interagency contracting

Some say OFPP’s new policy guidance might be too little, too late to offer effective oversight.


Letter: Contract types don't depend on employee numbers

A reader writes, "More and better-trained employees does not automatically translate into fewer of [sole source]/no-bid and cost-plus contracts."


Panel seeks input from GSA's customers

A panel reviewing the agency's multiple-award schedule program plans to solicit customers' comments.


Appeals court overturns Safavian convictions

A federal appeals court today overturned the convictions on some counts of former Office of Federal Procurement Policy Administrator David Safavian and ordered a new trial on others.


GSA expects schedules office by July

GSA officials plan to open a new office to handle the policies and procedures for its $36 billion multiple-award schedule contracts program.


New interagency contracts might need approval

OFPP wants a process for reviewing business cases for new multiagency contracts, Paul Denett says.


Census management improves, but budget questions linger

Harris said the company will submit a final cost proposal for the field data collection automation program of 2010 census on July 15.


Letter: Plenty of procurement data available

A reader finds that the United States provides data on procurement performance, disagreeing with columnist Steve Kelman.


Buzz of the Week: Discussing Web 2.0 concerns using Web 2.0

There are no clear answers in how to manage government-sponsored wikis and other Web 2.0 tools.


Agencies to conduct acquisition self-evals

OFPP says effective internal controls would help ensure that agencies can manage their contracts and reduce procurement waste, fraud and abuse.


Back to square one on clearances

Joint Security and Suitability Reform Team focuses on factors that cause delays and create backlogs.


SEWP's additions may help contracting goals

Official says the small companies will be added to the 38 prime contracts.