
Letter: Delays are only part of the federal funding issues

A reader writes about some of the problems in federal funding, such as the approval process and low funding.


Senate passes purchasing bill

The Senate has passed a bill to open GSA Schedule 84 contracts to state and local governments.


GSA: Congress should broaden state, local access to GSA contracts

GSA's Jim Williams told Congress that a current bill, which would give state and local agencies access to GSA Schedule 84, does not go far enough.


Letter: Feds need technical expertise, clear boundaries in contracting

A reader writes that the government employee should have "more control of operational issues" when working with contractors.


Reader comment roundup: Praise for small-biz mentors, advice on online privacy and more

Find out what the buzz is among our readers. Check out this week's roundup of readers' comments.


Buzz of the Week: A few minutes with Steve Ballmer

Federal Computer Week Editor-in-Chief Christopher J. Dorobek spoke with Microsoft’s leader about his views the government market and other issues.


Obama, McCain want spending transparency

The proposed bill may require agencies to open more of their contracting activities for public scrutiny.


Price clause spurs more questions

GSA’s price reduction clause is not only outdated but also unclear, critics say.


Networx: A revolution on hold

Agencies show little interest in transforming telecom operations.


Kelman: An embarrassing question

The United States collects surprisingly little data on the performance of the government procurement system.


Letter: Any help for mid-size companies?

A reader writes, "Once a company looses its small-business status, it is very difficult to compete in the "large-business" world."


New size standards due for small businesses

The Small Business Administration wants to have some redefined size standards for small businesses for federal contracting purposes finalized by the end of fiscal 2008.


OPM slows retirement system work

Agency says contractor didn’t pay attention during discussions of system requirements.


House OKs acquisition staffing fund

Measure would expand DOD initiative to help agencies hire and retain contracting experts.


GAO: DOD has not used best-value authority

Since 2004, the Defense Department has had the authority to conduct some A-76 competitions on a best-value basis but hasn't used it, according to the Government Accountability Office.


Are small-biz counts too good to be true?

Committee rebukes DHS for over-counting to meet small-business contracting goals.


TSA to follow FAR and DHS acquisition regs

Until now, the Transportation Security Administration had been following procurement regulations used by the Federal Aviation Administration.


Letter: Contracting officer wants to participate in policy talks

A contracting officer recognizes his experience and insider view of the contracting process and wants to share that perspective with lawmakers.


Letter: GSA officials should improve schedules program by learning from mistakes

A reader says several reports were written revealing GSA's schedules program problems during a 17-year span.