
House caucus to deal with contracting

Four House members have formed a group to promote and broaden involvement in contracting issues.


Letter: New rule on excessive pass-through costs shuts out small biz

A reader says new rule will is another way to limit the participation of small business contractors.


FCW Insider: Can you be a budget hero?



Reader comment roundup: Blogs, government competitiveness and more

Find out what the buzz is among our readers. Check out this roundup of readers comments.


Outside IG disputes Doan's interference claims

Former GSA Administrator Lurita Doan's claims that GSA's IG interfered with contracting negotiations don't hold up, according to the Postal Service's inspector general.


Letter: A fearless, qualified Doan worked for change

A reader writes about Doan's effort to promote change with Democrats in Congress.


HP/EDS merger could simplify contracting

Hewlett-Packard’s planned purchase of Electronic Data Systems for $13.5 billion will likely help better position HP as a performance-based services provider.


GSA gives Alliant a second look

Agency tries to debunk claims of flaws in the procurement selection process.


Balutis: Finding a new administrator

The post of GSA administrator is a ‘prune’ job — a plum job that needs an experienced hand.


Waldron: Time for a schedule focus

The schedule contracts are the government’s most successful procurement vehicle. Invest in them.


Editorial: Schedule panel’s omission

Schedule advisory panel should GSA Federal Acquisition Service commissioner and OFPP representative.


Clipping the wings of indulgent travelers

VA and other agencies turn to new e-travel systems to trim excessive costs.


House passes bill with contracting reforms

The House has approved a spending bill with provisions designed to curb fraud by government contractors.


Battling more than demographics

Job hopping, premature promotions could be more of a threat to the acquisition workforce.


Schedules panel examines ‘the clause’

The controversial price reduction clause is at the center of debate about competition in contracting.


Defense bill would halt A-76 competition

The Defense Authorization bill for fiscal 2009 would impose a three-year moratorium on A-76 competitions and require stronger contractor ethics rules.


DOD moves to limit excessive pass-through costs

An interim rule seeks to limit contractor charges for subcontracted work.


Letter: Time to settle federal e-forms procurement

A reader writes that the General Services Administration needs to award the contract for e-forms.


Letter: Doan was misunderstood

A reader writes that Doan's mission may not end with her departure.