
DHS seeks IT procurement management system

The Homeland Security Department is asking industry for information as it seeks to create an automated system to manage task orders from its major information technology procurement programs.


Vendor assailed for unfair marketing

Encryption company accused of using government assessments that don’t exist.


Letter: Doan understood procurement official exodus but IG didn't

A reader says Doan tried to tackle the root of contracting problems early, while the IG's solutions are continuing to drive employees out.


Could frequent industry days help DOD deliver systems?

Acquisition officials propose better and more frequent government/industry communication to solve program delays and cost overruns.


Performance contracts fall short

Audits point to a need for additional training to develop contracting officers’ knowledge.


Editorial: Rob Burton: A steady hand

Burton's consistency in good government procurement will be missed as he retires.


Soloway: Challenges are opportunities

GSA must seize the moment to rebuild relations with federal agency customers and Congress.


Fox: Doan picked a good fight

By standing up to GSA’s inspector general, Doan showed she understood the proper role of IGs.


Aronie: The Eagle and the Arrow

Doan waged bold battles during her tenure, but those battles ended up being distracting.


Post-Doan GSA to focus on customers

Critics: She ‘broke a lot of china,’ but gave little thought to what happens next.


DISA awards 14 large biz Encore II contracts

Encore II contractors will provide network-centric related services in such areas as command and control, intelligence and mission support.


Editorial: End of the Doan era

GSA Administrator Lurita Doan couldn't overcome her missteps along the path to fighting a good fight.


Amtower: A drop in the bucket

Frenzy about abuses of GSA’s small-purchase credit card program ignores its ample value.


Mistrust fosters oversight arms race

Lawmakers and acquisition leaders compete on measures to improve contractor oversight.


NIH seeks input on CIO-SP2i follow-on

The National Institutes of Health is preparing to combine three existing governmentwide acquisition contracts into one.


GAO: DOD wastes billions on weapons contracts

A new report said the Defense Department shouldn't forbid cost-plus contracts as an incentive for companies to bid on large programs.


Letter: GSA's attention divided by telework issues

A reader asks Lurita Doan, GSA's administrator, to focus on tackling the Alliant contract and other major tasks under the agency's mission.


FCW Insider: White House forces Doan to resign
