
Alliance: DHS will miss Pass card deadline

The Smart Card Alliance says the department cannot finish testing ID cards with RFID tags in time for them to be an alternative to passports by next summer.


Decision on Navy pay system expected next week

A briefing is set for Sept. 25, but most Navy officials would prefer to use the Marine Corps' system rather than DIMHRS, at least at first.


EDS to run data center for DHS

The department has awarded the company an $800 million contract to manage the second of its two major data centers.


VA to move financial-services center to e-invoices

The department awarded a contract to two companies to help with the system, which should enhance security and reduce errors.


Why training programs often fail

In most contracts, integrators are measured on the efficiency of the training process, rather than on the increased competency of end users.


DIA issues RFP for intell analysis support

The five-year contract with a ceiling of $1 billion would give the Defense Intelligence Agency analysis assistance in 29 areas.


EPA taps Microsoft for mapping help

The agency will use the company's Virtual Earth program to help track environmental data.


Petrillo: Wrong lessons learned

Procurement changes in the 1990s were radical departures from hard-won lessons of the past


Kelman: Washington’s fear industry

The rest of the country focuses on creating a positive workplace to motivate workers


Editorial: A Sun mess

The long-festering battle between Sun Microsystems and the government about allegations that the company overcharged agencies needs to end.


USDA outsources its finances

The Agriculture Department could smooth the path for other large agencies to outsource their financial operations with its decision to award Accenture a $102.6 million financial management services contract


Sun cancels its GSA schedule

Experts vary on how Sun’s long dispute with GSA could affect schedule program


Alliant protests won’t stop GSA

The General Services Administration is stuck at the starting gate with its latest major information technology contract, Alliant. Seven companies have filed eight protests against the contract’s award, and GSA must await a Government Accountability Office decision.


Security convergence means seeing the big picture

Employees who work in separate departments of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service regularly come together to discuss security convergence: bringing together building and network security operations.


Convergence is more than buzz

GSA seeks to revamp schedules to reflect merging of physical and computer security


Perplexed by the GSA-Sun issue



Senate committee calls for independent review of WIN-T

Senators are concerned about what they call technological challenges and programmatic uncertainties, which could lead to additional cost growth and schedule slips in the program.


OFPP details how to bring retired acquisition workers back

Administration wants plans on how agencies will implement the General Services Administration Modernization Act provision by next month.


Sun pulls out of GSA schedules contract

Sun officials said the company will remain a federal contractor, but won't have a GSA MAS contract.