
VA to award contract for HSPD-12 deployment

The Veterans Affairs Department and other agencies focused on 2007 and 2008 October deadlines.


Coast Guard to test TWIC waters

The agency is looking to buy 300 card readers to test aboard at ports and aboard ships before broader deployment.


GSA recruits integrity council to review Sun case

The GSA administrator says it is not unusual for contractors to resist handing over documents to investigators, a situation that threatens to undermine the authority of the agency and the IG office.


USDA picks Accenture to modernize financial systems

During the first month of the program, the contractor will develop a draft Financial Management Modernization Project Plan.


Love/hate relationship with NMCI

The Navy and Marine Corps have learned many lessons from the massive ' and controversial ' outsourcing project.


Unions press their case against A-76

Provisions against competitive sourcing in appropriations bills are strongest yet.


GSA on the road to recovery?

Agency officials announce plans to fix sagging assisted acquisition services.


DOD takes steps to cut contract costs

House urges military to reduce spending on services through better oversight.


Wagner: Year-end spending

Deadlines for submitting acquisition requests are coming earlier each year, so be forewarned.


Colorado town fields video surveillance system

Parker tapped CDW-G for motion-activated cameras that cover the Parker Fieldhouse.


Alliant protests won't slow GSA, officials say

Companies filed five new bid protests, but the agency said they won't have a major effect because other GWACs are still in place.


DHS IG: Sharing information could save money

A lack of communication among agencies led to increased costs for debris removal after Hurricane Katrina, an audit found.


Safety Act awards continue, although slower

So far this year, DHS has made 32 awards, compared to 57 in the first eight months of 2006.


DOD studies its procurement capabilities

Procurement officials will undergo a self-evaluation to help the department understand its workforce and contracting practices.


Border states to test hybrid IDs

But experts say the ID tests won’t resolve problems in creating national standards.


Buzz of the Week

Sept. 1 begins a one-month countdown to the end of the federal government’s fiscal year.


DOD to decide on Navy HR system

England must determine whether Navy will use DIMHRS or the Marine Corps' system.


FAA's $1 billion contract to ITT targets air traffic delays

The company will build the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast system, which will replace the agency's outdated radar system.


FCW's Federal List: 10 organizations worth watching

We chose these 10 for their innovation and growth, and for being bellwethers of change in the government IT community.


Consolidation changes the game

Consequences of governmentwide initiatives alter the federal contracting landscape.