
DOD acquisition chief Krieg resigns

He wants to spend more time with his family, according to a statement from the Defense Department.


OMB finalizes acquisition language for standard desktop configuration

Agencies must include provisions by June 30 in all procurements.


Networx: Now for the hard choices

With Universal and now Enterprise, feds must sort through telecom options.


Editorial: Stating the obvious

Define government's business as the people's business.


McDonough: The need for IGs

Recent attacks on agency inspectors general are misguided during a time of diminished oversight.


Doan's attorney: OSC's report off the mark, unfair

No one can erase the stigma that now overshadows the case, Michael Nardotti wrote.


Corini: Raise your guard

5 beneficial practices for managing your GSA schedule contracts and staying clean.


The next big thing: TEM

Telecommunications expense management is a service that promises to help agencies control their burgeoning costs for telecom devices and services.


OFPP pushes for more competition

Office of Federal Procurement Policy listens to SARA panel recommendations to increase the number of bids for task and delivery orders.


Doan, Bloch trade barbs over leaked report

Special Counsel Scott Bloch denies leaking the report and accuses GSA Administrator Lurita Doan of contriving the whole thing.


IG: Contract data late, incorrect

Data entered manually rather than downloaded to the Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation is to blame, GSA's inspector general says.


Guerra: Performance-based acquisition is not working

OMB may be praising agencies' progress on using such contracts, but they are just the same prescriptive contracts with a new name.


Wagner: Lead with the mission

How to transcend the IT stuff and get to the point, which is enabling agency programs to succeed.


DOD's high-risk culture

Salespeople who promise leaps in technology are more appealing to DOD's leaders than modest peddlers who offer incremental improvements.


Sade: Be mentors

Senior GSA official urges agencies to transfer acquisition skills to younger workers.


OSC: Doan violated Hatch Act

Doan decries leak of special counsel report and asks to have the findings withdrawn.


Waxman reforms ride on DOD bill

The tried-and-true strategy may not work without Senate and president’s support.


Kelman: It's all in the requirements

What makes successful IT projects? For many, it's obvious.


Senators unhappy with SBA

Kerry’s committee decries lack of progress on meeting the needs of small businesses.


GSA offers contracts not available on Networx

The agency is seeking bids on six wireless telecom contracts worth about $93 million.