
Doan's attorney fires back for leaked report

In a letter to Special Counsel Bloch, her attorney expresses "utter outrage" that the report was leaked and asks him to assign the investigation to another body.


Senators call for management reforms at DOD

The Senate Armed Services Committee approved a $648.8 billion authorization bill for fiscal 2008 that sets the stage for a showdown with the House about FCS funding.


Discrepancies get Doan another invitation to Capitol Hill

The House oversight committee wants to discuss her "unsubstantiated allegations" of poor performance and bias against employees who criticized her actions.


OMB to agencies: Use more performance-based contracts

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy says the contracts should make up 45 percent of agencies' awards through fiscal 2011.


IG urges more acquisition transparency at DIA

A new report highlights the use of Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests and poor planning for purchases.


House bill sets higher bar for DHS

Legislation would require department’s contractors to disclose foreign ownership.


GSA to retool e-contracting

Contracting officers say they shun the difficult-to-use eOffer, eMod applications.


Navy seeks contractor to help reduce its IT footprint

It wants support for its Cyber Asset Reduction and Security Task Force program, designed to halve the service’s shore-based IT footprint of the secret and lower categories by 2011.


Kerry queries DOD on missed vet set-aside goal

The senator has asked Defense Secretary Robert Gates for a clear statement of DOD's intent to spend more money with businesses owned by service-disabled veterans.


GSA mulls how to keep acquisition shops in business

But one option not on the table is canceling its assisted services business, agency officials say.


GSA overrides stop work order for HSPD-12 contract

The agency will have EDS implement the HSPD-12 plan and the technology to begin issuing cards despite two protests.


GAO: DOD business systems need investment policy

The Pentagon has the proper management structure for modernizing its systems but lacks well-defined and disciplined policies governing investment decisions.


OFPP to turn up heat on task-order competition

In a forthcoming memo, agencies will be required to solicit multiple bids for task orders that cross a specified dollar threshold and to collect data on their competitive practices.


Waxman continues call for procurement reform

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman said agencies must rebuild their acquisition workforce to improve oversight.


GSA takes fresh look at contract for

Agency officials decide to follow judge's order and reopen evaluations to revamp the federal procurement portal.


GSA ponders fate of assisted services

Officials agree that something must be done to stop the steady hemorrhaging of dollars.


GPO shops for better smart card printing capabilities

The Government Printing Office wants electronic card counters, software, and integration and consulting services.


ODNI chooses new acquisition deputy

Alden Munson will help drive the “Build Acquisition Excellence and Technology Leadership” part of the intelligence community’s 100-Day Plan for Integration and Collaboration.


GSA IG: Contracting officers not using e-forms

A lack of support and weak incentives are causing the eOffer and eMod programs to grow at slower than expected rates, auditors found.