
DOE to use Compusearch for procurement management

The software company will support Energy's Strategic Integrated Procurement Enterprise System program.


Agencies still struggling with performance contracts

Officials say agencies have still not mastered the art of measuring performance baselines.


DISA won't pursue I-Assure follow-on

The agency says a variety of alternative contract vehicles can fill DOD's information assurance requirements.


ITES-2S protest settlements reached

The Army will allow five previously excluded companies to join the contract, officials said.


OPM searches for financial management providers

The agency is no longer trying to develop a tailored solution with the Bureau of the Public Debt.


Doan says small businesses can take on big jobs

Responding to criticism that some contracts are too large for small firms to handle, GSA's administrator strikes back.


IG report has good news for small firms

Industry expects little negative effect from IG’s review of GSA purchases.


Kelman: A really bad idea

It makes no sense to change the burden of proof for whether a fed has acted in good faith.


DOD plans major overhaul of service buys

In response to a GAO report, DOD officials say they plan to take a more strategic approach to services, aligning them more closely with the department's mission.


SEWP may not be the right recipe for DOD, IG finds

Studying a sample of SEWP orders in fiscal 2005, the IG found rule violations in almost all of them.


Find ways to share contractor performance data, GSA tells agencies

Agencies have not made a concerted effort to share the information with one another, leaving them vulnerable to using poor-quality contractors, a Federal Register notice states.


VETS GWAC due in December

Solicitations for the five-year IT procurement contract with a $5 billion spending ceiling came out more than a year ago.


Reaction to new SBA regs mixed

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce favors the new regulations, while the American Small Business League calls them deceptive.


DHS IG targets security, procurement

The department’s IT security, program management and procurement practices will be among the IG's prime areas of study in fiscal 2007.


Kelman: Let the vendor perform

DHS deserves praise for its approach to the Secure Border Initiative contract


Editorial: Change management

We hope the new Democratic leaders will carry out the effective oversight tradition exemplified by Reps. Davis' and Waxman's leadership of the House Government Reform Committee.


Input foresees some DOD market growth

However, the research firm cautions that new political factors could affect the projections.


Industry wary of DISA's SOA effort

Vendors are struggling to determine a sound business case for the department's plan to pay for services rather than software development costs.



Davis: Hey, look what we’ve done; Hear it again; Hank Paulson’s net worth increases twentyfold; A crumb in the corporate cosmos; ELC...Newt, can you hear us now?; Quote of the week


Burton takes a new angle on procurement

OFPP administrator’s right-hand man wields the influence of experience.