
SARA panel takes stand against T&M contracts

Panelists also rebuff industry groups that wanted the panel to recommend repealing a provision of SARA that requires competition on some time-and-material contracts.


GSA revenues fall, FAS misses several 2006 goals

The agency's governmentwide acquisition contract task orders totaled $2.4 billion in fiscal 2006, down $1 billion from a year ago.


Survey finds support for commercial procurement practices

Government Futures reports that federal procurement is at the crossroads of progress and stagnation.


Industry wants unified set of security standards

The impetus for the group's formation was members’ belief that the government should have a consistent set of security standards that it expects contractors to comply with.


SEWP stays with NASA; Doan upset by decision

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy announced that NASA would remain the executive agent for the Scientific and Engineering Workstation Procurement, despite the objections of GSA.


GSA taps 40-plus firms for VETS deal

The five-year contract, set aside for serviced-disabled, veteran-owned business, has a $5 billion ceiling.


OFPP's Denett: Competition works

The OFPP administrator says GWACs are not proliferating but simply filling market needs.


Procurement was a contentious issue in 2006

People also took sides on e-government, information security and outsourcing policies.


GSA and DOD forge a new relationship

A memorandum of agreement spells out procurement responsibilities on both sides.


Six months into the Lurita Doan era

GSA’s new administrator lives up to her lightning rod reputation.


GSA schedule sales increase in 2006

But an analysis from Input shows the GSA schedules’ IT services sales declined 6.5 percent compared with last year.


Sade leaves Commerce for GSA

The overseer of Commerce's small-business COMMITS contract will lead acquisition management at GSA.


Agreement may smooth GSA, DOD relationship

A new memorandum of agreement clarifies ambiguous aspects of acquisition policy regarding interagency contracting and rules applying to acquisitions conducted on DOD’s behalf.


Court group deploys SPSS software

The National Center for State Courts has bought predictive analytics software to examine data on court sentencing, judicial and staff workload, and court performance.


Texas Guard goes wireless for rapid response

It has started to use Fortress Technologies’ rapid response communications kit to help it share critical information and save time and lives in disasters.


ITAA official criticizes SARA panel recommendations

Trey Hodgkins said the Acquisition Advisory Panel’s recommendations for commercial practices "threaten to roll back a decade of procurement reforms."


Government Inc.

Policy-makers have worked hard to make the federal government run more like a business, but how far can they go?


DHS wants software for purchase card training

The department is looking for commercial software for delivering training through its portal and for tracking the results.


Editorial: Apples and oranges

The idea that government should be run like a business is tempting but ultimately misguided.


Defense Travel System has few defenders

Lawmakers, travel companies and DOD users all have complaints about the $500M system.