
Performance-based acquisitions down in fiscal 2006

Departments slid to 49 percent in fiscal 2006 from 50.9 percent in fiscal 2005, the Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation found.


Details of TCE deal emerge

GSA agrees to cut Treasury's management fees in half for using Networx.


Murphy to leave GSA for law firm

She will join former OFPP administrator Angela Styles at Miller & Chevalier.


The day of the big systems integrator is over, says DISA official

DOD is looking for the kind of speed and flexibility that cannot be had when one company works alone to build a system based on proprietary software, said Brig. Gen. David Warner.


It's not your father's telephone operator

FCW’s never-ending stories: Telecommunications issues have been an ongoing subject during the past 20 years.


Policy home runs

In FCW’s first two decades, six statutory changes transformed the IT playing field.


Waxman ready to search for waste, fraud and abuse

The new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will convene a series of hearings Feb. 5 to look into waste, fraud and abuse.


Marty Wagner announces retirement

The deputy commissioner of the General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Services will end a 31-year federal career Jan. 31.


Web extra: Widening gulf separates acquisition, oversight

Concerns about procurement irregularities have significantly increased the level of congressional oversight.


Editorial: FCW’s bias

If there has been a bias in these pages, it is a strong belief in the vital role that IT can play in helping the government do its important jobs more effectively.


OMB directs agencies to GSA for credit monitoring

A memo requires agencies to consider GSA’s service offerings along with any other monitoring services they are researching, and to show how any new agreement beats GSA’s deals.


SARA panel: Feds, contractors need more ethics guidance

Panel determines that reliance on federal contractors working alongside agency personnel “has blurred the lines” between governmental and commercial functions and ethical requirements.


SARA panel: Feds need tutorial on performance-based deals

Program managers often fail to define metrics that have a direct link to the desired results, according to the panel's draft report.


SARA panel pushes for better procurement data system

Efforts to get usable data from the Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation were mixed, the panel said.


SARA panel draft report critical of small-business acquisition strategies

The panel considered five general areas of small-business concern but chose to focus on only two and avoided an analysis of small-business subcontracting issues.


SARA panel: Parameters needed to guide contract growth

OMB should provide agencies with guidelines for creating and reauthorizing contracts, the panel recommends.


SARA panel: Boost competition through commercial best practices

It recommends moving away from time-and-materials contracts to performance-based acquisitions, setting up a new GSA schedule for professional services and redefining stand-alone commercial services, among other things.


Panel sees need for acquisition workforce clarity

The SARA panel found that the complexity of federal acquisition and the demands on the workforce have increased substantially in recent years.


SARA panel draft report: Key recommendations

Here is a summary of the main findings and recommendations of the Acquisition Advisory Panel, as published in its final draft report.


Contracting changes how businesses do business

Performance-based contracting demands that companies amend how they have bid on contracts in the past, one expert says.